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Create a Mom Sanity Plan

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I love being a mom.  I love the laughter, the snuggles, and guiding my children on this journey through life.  It was a journey I prayed for and I waited for many years to hold a baby of my own. {You can read our miracle adoption story here}. Motherhood is one of life’s greatest blessings!

As much as I cherish the opportunity to be a parent, I’m going to be completely honest and say there are moments when I am overwhelmed and stressed by the daunting task of child rearing and finding balance in the chaos.

Are you longing for balance as a mom and busy woman? Grab this free printable and take practical steps to becoming a woman of balance and wisdom!


In April of 2013, this stress culminated and I reached a breaking point. I realized I had lost myself in my role as a mother and I had no idea who I was outside of my children.

Inside I felt encroached by mom guilt, wondering how I could even think of or focus on myself when the biggest blessing in my life was my children. I loved my kids and wanted to be the best mom I could be, but I could no longer deny I was burnt out, weary to the core, and in need of change.

I started praying that God would show me how to not just survive, but to thrive as a mom.

As always, God was faithful to lead me to a plan to take back my identity while being the best mom I could be.

He was gracious to open my eyes and remove the mom guilt. Eventually I created a “Mom Sanity Plan” to help me live my life resting in His joy and peace.

Below are the simple questions I used to create my plan and this helped me move towards change. An honest evaluation is sometimes exactly what the heart needs to grow and change!

Now it’s your turn for self evaluation.  Are you ready? Print out the free printable below to work through these areas of your life.

Mom Sanity Plan Faith Along the Way

Grab the printable here >> 


Identify the stressors

What areas in your life trigger stress and feelings of being overwhelmed?  Are there situations, roles, responsibilities, people even, that trigger your stress?  Be completely honest with yourself and take a moment to jot down what gets under your skin on the free printable.

My stressors included: a cluttered house, being overweight, whining children, not enough rest, and no ministry outside of my family.

Identify what you love to do and what brings you joy

What would you like to do with free time?  What makes you happy and feel like you?  Is there a hobby or an interest you’ve missed doing since becoming a mom? Finish the following statement, “I would get really excited if…”

My loves includes: sharing my heart in a ministry, reading, spending time with family and friends, studying God’s Word, an occasional DIY project, and of course, writing.

How to create a Mom Sanity Plan and find balance in the chaos of life! Free printable, too!

Identify what keeps you balanced

What keeps you feeling sane and life flowing well?  Is there something you can do to make yourself less stressed?  Are there ways you can stop those feelings of angst when they creep up?

My balanced life includes: keeping up with the clutter but not being a perfectionist about it, getting enough rest, eating healthy, exercising, studying God’s Word and writing about His promises.

Embrace change so you can thrive

What changes do you need to make to move towards better balance?  What can you change to minimize the stressors and restore balance?  Do you need to shift priorities or make adjustments to your routine?  Are there daily actions you can implement to eliminate the situations that bring you stress?

My changes: start exercising and eating healthy, keep the clutter at bay, pray that God would lead me to a ministry, have time in God’s Word every day, make time to do the things I love.

Take action

Now that you’ve answered these important questions, it’s time to take action and make a plan to implement changes according to your personal needs. Focus on gradual change that will lead to a lifetime of healthy habits and mom sanity.

Pick one or two areas of change you want to see, and start small, giving yourself loads of grace when you stumble and fall.

Each day, commit to small steps that will implement change gradually over time.

Each day get up, spend time in God’s Word, pray and then tackle your most difficult challenge first. It feels amazing to cross those difficult tasks off our list!

For example, when I started losing weight, I would first focus on moving and some sort of exercise each day and eating healthier meals. Gradually, I increased my time spent exercising and even joined a gym. I wasn’t perfect and I fell often, but God gave me the strength and the self-control I needed to keep pressing on towards permanent change.

Besides small steps to change, plan moments for you!  And please don’t feel guilty about it for one minute!  We are all better moms and a better wives when we do something we enjoy. When we feel fulfilled, it will overflow into the lives of our family!

Isn't this the TRUTH?! Mommin Ain't Easy!

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(Seriously, has there ever been a more true statement?!)

Change is a process and there is joy in the journey.  Resolve to love yourself along the way and to pray that God will give you self-control as you press-on towards progress.  Remember, change is not about perfection, but about embracing who you really are and striving to be the person God created you to be!

What areas of your life do you need to pray for change?  I’d love for you to create a mom sanity plan and to stop by to share your experience and your plan for growth and balance!  I’m praying for you!

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