Our Miracle Adoption Story

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Miracle, as defined by dictionary.com, is “an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God.” Have you ever experienced a miracle in your life? Something that you knew, without a shadow of a doubt, was filtered by the hands of the Lord and that could only be explained as a miracle because it defied basic logic and reason, but more importantly you felt the magnificent presence of the Great Almighty engulfing this situation?

At the end of April 2010, my miracle began with a phone call that changed my life forever.  But with the hustle and bustle of the typical work day, I missed that call, and three others, from the sweet friend who was desperate to talk to me.  My curiosity peaked at her urgency, I began the rush hour ride home by returning her call.  She excitedly explained that she had lunch with a friend that day whose church had been helping and shepherding a couple during the young woman’s pregnancy.  Because of overwhelming obstacles looming in front of the couple, they decided that when the baby was born in approximately a month, to give the baby up for adoption.  While this decision was difficult for the couple to make, they knew adoption would be the best for the baby, whom they were planning on naming Joy.


Drawing close to her due date with less than a month to go, the young couple did not have an adoption plan in place for baby Joy and were getting nervous about choosing parents to raise their baby girl. My sweet friend, knowing our struggle with infertility, thought of us and then asked if we would be interested in meeting the couple to discuss adopting baby Joy.

I.WAS.SPEECHLESS. Emotions flooded as I processed the possibility.  Us? Adopting a baby? Becoming parents when we had given up?  But I had already surrendered this to the Lord and was at peace being childless.  What about the risks?

Taking a deep breath, my heart pounding out of my chest, I prayed.  I prayed for the Lord’s will, no matter what that was.  I prayed for God to protect my newly restored heart from being crushed into a 1,000,000 pieces.  I prayed wisdom for the couple I had never met.  And I prayed for God’s guidance down this very uncertain path and that if this is His will, that He would let it be known loud and clear.

Enduring a long and brutal ride home gave me time to think about how to carefully break this news to Hubs.  While we were both open to adoption, I knew that His main concern would be cost, having been unemployed for many months.  Since this would be a private adoption, the cost would range from $2,000-$5,000 depending on the circumstances and the attorney.  I knew that was a lot of money, but also knew that if indeed this was God’s plan unfolding before our eyes, the money would not be an issue.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to beg Hubs to meet with the couple.  He was open and willing to see where this led but reminded me to be cautious, guarded and not to get my hopes up.  The cost of the adoption loomed in front of us but we both agreed to take it one step at a time and ultimately trust in God’s perfect path, whatever that may be.

But a quick trip to the mailbox dissolved any monetary concerns that we may have had regarding the possible adoption.  Inside of our mailbox, much to our shock and dismay, was a check for $5,000 from Better Homes and Garden magazine!!! We had received notice a few months prior that we had won a sweepstakes which Hubs entered faithfully, but were skeptical it was legitimate and said we would believe it when we held the check in hand. Trembling at what some people would call a coincidence, we reveled in God’s timing of the money.  Receiving the EXACT amount we would need to adopt baby Joy was overwhelming and so amazing!!! I KNEW then and there that God was up to something BIG!  I didn’t know if I would ever hold that sweet baby girl and call her my own, but I did know God was at work and once again, I blindly put my hand in His and asked Him to show me the way.

The day we met the couple I felt physically ill.  I was shaking and my teeth were shattering even though it was the start of humid spring weather.  While I was praying for God’s will, I desperately wanted this baby! I had abandoned my resolve to stay guarded and imagined cradling our baby and the life we would live as a family of three.

The meeting was emotional and full of tears, but ultimately we were given permission to adopt baby Joy when she was born in a few short weeks!!!!! We were FINALLY going to be parents!!!!

All of a sudden, the reason we weren’t able to have our own children became crystal clear.  God knew a special little girl would need a stable home, with a mom and dad who loved her and who would take the best care of her that they could, and more importantly raise, her to love the Lord and know Him. God knew that this baby was the perfect fit for our family and that we were finally ready for the titles of “Mom and Dad.”

The few short weeks leading to Joy’s birth were emotional, chaotic and filled with preparations.  We jumped at the chance to register, prepare a nursery and get a crash-course in parenting from some recommended books.  I was even able to go to the last ultrasound and get a first glimpse at our baby girl.  While I had already loved her, seeing her chubby cheeks in 3-D made it more real then ever before.  After much waiting and heartbreak, I was going to be a mom!

Yet is was bittersweet.  There were moments in which the birth mother was having doubts about giving up her first-born for adoption.  Logically she knew that she could not care for the baby in any way, but it was still a painful decision.  I empathized with her and prayed for her and was desperate to believe that even in her moments of wavering, she would do the right thing and release Joy into our care.

My phone was glued to me at all times as I waited, day and night, for the phone call to come that Joy was on her way.  We were going to be at the hospital when she was born, yet knew we were at the mercy of the biological parents as to how involved we would be.

Then finally, after much drama on the night of June 12, 2010, the biological mother was taken to the hospital and was induced.  Joy would be born soon.


I rushed to the hospital with my sister and a few friends (Hubs was working) to wait all night long.  Like most first babies, she was slow to enter the world and make her grand entrance.  She had no idea that prayer warriors in many states were on their knees for a healthy birth and a smooth surrender of parental rights.

The minutes seemed like hours as a new day awakened and the story of Joy’s birthday unfolded. Our baby girl was predicted to be stuck and partially turned, so the doctors were certain she would be a C-Section birth. The biological mother requested that our mutual friend accompany her to the surgery.  I was promised pictures and exact details of her birth.

And the waiting began.  An hour crawled by with no news and questions plagued me.  Was she healthy?  How much did she weigh?  Would I be allowed to see her and hold her in my arms?  Was the biological mom still planning on adoption?

Now surrounded by Hubs and both sets of parents, we all waited and prayed together.  Finally, my friend entered with not only pictures of the chubbiest cheeked baby I had ever seen, but with the best news of all.  Joy was perfectly healthy and more importantly, would be coming to STAY WITH US in a hospital room if we wanted to stay!!!!!  God had orchestrated yet another miracle in our lives! Not only would I get to hold her, but we could take care of her right from birth! Only God could work such an amazing situation!


Not long after, I tearfully embraced our miracle, swaddled in a cloth and sleeping peacefully in my arms where she belonged! It was the most perfect moment of my life! Never had I experienced love at first sight until that moment.  She was perfect and I was in awe of the gift that God bestowed on us!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

While she grabbed onto my fingers, I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and whispered, “I am your Mommy!” I promised her that I would be the best mom I could be and to teach her about Jesus.  And I was in love. We were already connected in the most important way, through the heart.

There was not a dry eye in the room as our family and friends met our beautiful baby girl for the first time. Unlike many adoptive families,  we were there to experience all of her firsts; her first bath, bottle and diaper change.  I would treasure and cherish those precious moments in my heart forever.

We were able to have a private room with Joy the entire time she was in the hospital and welcomed the chance to get to know our sweet girl.  What a beautiful opportunity!

Meanwhile, things with the adoption were proceeding just as they should be.  All paperwork was signed and when the time came, we would be free to take Joy home.


While my miracle started with a phone call, it concluded cradling my gift in my arms, wrapped in a pink, fuzzy blanket.  The story culminates with the three of us, a new family, headed home with the future as bright as the sun God placed in the sky.

A few months prior, I thought that the road to parenthood had been forever closed to me. Surrendering my dream of becoming a mother was difficult, yet incredibly freeing.  God chose to bless me with a child in the end and I couldn’t wait to watch her grow and raise her knowing the amazing way that God united us together as her “Forever Family.”

Fast forward 18 months to the next chapter of the story and see another one of God’s BIG miracles!

Enjoy our video of meeting our baby girl for the first time!  It makes me cry EVERY time!!! Thanks to Rachel who not only captured these precous moments for us, but set them to music half way through!

I am blown away how God worked a miracle for Joy to come be a part of our family!!! I’m so thankful He still works miracles in the lives of His children and that sometimes, when our path doesn’t seem to make sense, His path for us is BEYOND what we could imagine.  How has God worked a miracle in your life or the life of someone you know?


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