To the Woman Who Dreads Mother’s Day

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To the Woman Who Dreads Mother’s Day,

It’s supposed to be a day filled with smiles, laughter, and memories honoring the one who brought us into this life.

It’s supposed to be a day of loving on our sweet children, thankful for the role of motherhood.

But sometimes it’s not.

To the Woman Who Dreads Mother's Day Faith Along the Way

Sometimes Mother’s Day can be one of the most painful days of the year, and many women wear plastered-on smiles to mask the ache they feel inside.

For me, just a mere five years ago, Mother’s Day was complete torture.

I realize I’m not alone in this.  There are women everywhere who have a hard time with Mother’s Day and bear burdens instead of joy.

It’s ok if you’re one of them.  You are not alone, and I promise, I’m a friend who knows this road of heartache all too well.

For five years Hubs and I prayed for the blessing of a child, as we waited for God’s plan to unfold.  During that time, I grieved, cried, and tried every trick in the book to become pregnant, aching for the chance to become a mother.

Longing to be a part of the mommy club,  I already felt like an outsider, but that ache was amplified on this Hallmark holiday, and each year I would dread Mother’s Day even more.

Friend, I know your tears and have felt every ounce of your pain, too.

I know your feelings of failure after you watch friend after friend announce her pregnancy.

I know you’re wondering at what’s in store for you and if you will ever become a mom.

I know that with each passing birthday you cringe a little, knowing it’s another year without a child.

I know that baby showers take a toll on your weary spirit, as you try to be brave and put on a happy face for your friend.

I know the times you’ve cried yourself to sleep after seeing another negative test or after another failed fertility treatment.

While I can’t predict the future or know what God has planned, I do know He loves you with a love so deep that it can fill every ounce of pain and longing you feel.

His love can and will fill that child-size void in your heart.

And your identity does not lie in the ability to conceive, your identity lies in Him.

With compassion and understanding, He hears your cries and wipes your tears.

His peace will restore your fragile spirit and give you new purpose if you let His healing presence consume you.

While His plan may not make sense to you, He sees the big picture and has eternity in His view.

Friend, as hard as it is, lay your burdens down, and surrender your dream to be a mother at His mighty feet.

Allow Him to bring you out of darkness and put your hope in His promises alone, not in the what this life holds for you.

Trust Him in moments when you are overwhelmed with fear and allow His strength to sustain you in moments of weakness.

And as for the dreaded Mother’s Day, you will survive!  I promise!

Start that day praising a God who faithfully never leaves your side, and find balm for your spirit nestled between the pages of His Word.

Acknowledge your hurt and the longing of your heart, but don’t dwell on it for the entire day.  Do something that you enjoy and find a way to bless the life of someone else.

While it’s tempting to stay in bed all day surrounded by chocolates, knowing that He who promised you life abundantly is waiting to show you His great plan, is a reason to face the day.

You can be confident in knowing that God will make your heart whole and healed, giving you a full and complete life in Him, with or without children.

How can I pray for your hurts this Mother’s Day?  Please let me know I will be on my knees for you!

This post was shared with the SITS Sharefest

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