10 Life Lessons to Learn Young

I’ve always been a dreamer; and once was a young girl who fantasized about her adult life with stars in her eyes. From playing house to imagining my wedding day, playing adult was my favorite.

And I waited not so patiently for womanhood to come, knowing that my real life would begin once I was grown and everything “fell into place.”

10 Life Lessons to Learn Young Faith Along the Way


While my life really is wonderful and I am blessed with way more than I deserve, it’s been a little different than I imagined it as a child.

Thinking now about the best life lessons to learn young, I realize I could have been a little more prepared for what life threw my way if I’d grabbed a hold of these truths earlier.

1. Organization and cleanliness just don’t happen without work.

As much as I’ve wished my laundry would fold itself and the floors would just stay clean, if I want a neat home, it takes work. Becoming a better homemaker is a journey I’m still on, but other than hiring a maid, only I can make that change!


2. When you think you have life all planned out, God may have other plans.

Often the plans and dreams we have for ourselves, are not the dreams God has for us.  He longs for us to seek Him first, then watch Him guide and direct our path.  While the path I’m on now is not where I started out, it’s been amazing to see how He’s grown me and changed my heart in the process to desiring His Will.

3. Joy is a choice.

No matter how grim the circumstances, you can choose to rest in the peace and joy of the Lord.  Sometimes it’s painful to choose joy during the sorrow, yet God will provide a way every time for you to choose Him.

4. Friendships change, and acquaintances slip away, but who’s left are your true friends.

When life happens and the tough times come, you truly do find out who your friends are.  Once the dust settles, you may be surprised that there are only a few left standing by your side, but those are the people that have your back no matter what.

5. Giving really is better than receiving.

You hear that saying as a young child, but it’s so hard to grasp when you’re a present lover!  As an adult, seeing the joy on someone’s face when you give, especially when you do it sacrificially is the most rewarding feeling of all!

6. Life is hard, but God is good.

Through the storms of life and facing big obstacles such as cancer, infertility, adoption and Autism, I’ve realized that even in the darkest of times, God is faithful every step of the journey.  His holiness and goodness trumps even the biggest of mountains, and His peace can restore even the hardest of hearts.

7. Success isn’t measured by the size of your bank account, but in the way you love and serve others.

Our modern world has a warped sense of success.  They say that success is measured in dollars and cents, yet what really matters is how you give of your heart, time, and resources to others.

8. Put your heart and soul into everything you do, even if it’s something you don’t like.

Whether it’s mopping the floor or doing your favorite activities, doing it all for the glory of God changes my heart and outlook on even my least favorite duties.  That’s a blessing that radiates from the inside out!

9. Marriage is not a romantic comedy, and it takes work and sacrifice from both people.

I love being married and my husband is wonderful, but a solid marriage takes self-sacrifice and patience beyond my newlywed expectations.  We’ve worked hard to stay connected, but it started with me adjusting my expectations in our relationship and realizing that life isn’t a fairytale.

If you’re looking to improve you’re marriage, visit these inspiring posts, What Husbands Wished Their Wives Knew, and What Wives Wished Their Husbands Knew, as a starting place for discussion.

10. There are still cliques and mean girls even as an adult, yet somewhere along the way, you stop yearning to be a part of the in-crowd. {Thank goodness!}

I’ve accepted who God made me to be, flaws and all, and am slowly losing the desire to people please for acceptance. Once you realize who God made you to be,  you can surround yourself with friends who love you as you are, and it’s such a freeing place to be!


What life lessons do you wish you would have learned young to help you find your way?


  1. This list is spot on. If I could go back in time I would add that boys are not all they’re cracked up to be until college. I was so boy crazy it was ridiculous. I’m trying to instill that in my daughters. I need to add the rest of your list too! Pinned. Stopping by from Titus 2 Tuesday. Following on Google. 🙂

  2. i couldn’t get past #1 – i still wish sometimes that my house could be magically cleaned – but it’s good cos’ it’s helpin me develop discipline 😀

    1. I wish my house would be magically clean, too! I so wish it would happen!

  3. Well written my friend, as always! Number 3 is my favorite! Joy is a choice, something I had to learn later in life. I would have found myself in less sorrow had I learned this truth at an earlier age. However, God is amazing and His timing is perfect.

    1. It can be so hard to remember, and one of those lessons I’m always needing to be reminded of!

  4. I love this list! I struggle with losing friends and being okay with that. I’m still learning that they are for a season. But marriage is certainly more work than movies would have you believe! Thanks for the share!

    1. I am the same way! I too struggle with losing friends, and even though it can be a little lonely, I’d rather have those steadfast friends than fickle ones any day!

  5. Omg. You have hit the nail for me this morning. Oh, how blessed I am to have read your post. Thank you, thank you, thank you! !!! I needed that more than my coffee this morning.

  6. AMEN to THIS, Sarah! Such true life lessons indeed. I have experienced every one of your points.. in my own ‘adult life’. 🙂

  7. This is so true! Thanks for sharing – hope you’ll share also over at MADM : )

  8. What a wonderful list – and not just to learn, but to relearn as well, as you learn and mature and go deeper with each of these lessons. God’s reworking me through #7 now 🙂

    1. I understand! I have to relearn them often, and just when I think I’ve made progress, something else surfaces!

  9. I love these so much especially #2 and #3. Thank you!

  10. Yes! The last one was a really hard one for me to understand. I got to be honest and say I still don’t understand why there are still mean girls when we become adults? I am so glad I don’t desire to be part of that crowd though.

    1. I’m the same way! Why on earth does the meanness have to continue? This time I don’t have to be around it at all!

    1. You are too kind! At almost 38, I’ve been through a lot, but God has taught me a ton in the process. I’ve still A LOT to learn though!

  11. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post, Sarah Ann! They are all so good – especially 2,3,5,&9, but 6 is my favorite! Life is hard, but God is always good. Remembering just how good He is is key to everything in life. Thank you for this very precious and timely reminder. May He continue to fill your cup to overflowing!

  12. Beautifully written, and heartfelt! Love this Sarah Ann! Thank you for sharing this on Making Memories Mondays! 🙂

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