Weekend Words of Wisdom #4
The thought of being surrounded by the Lord makes me feel safe and protected, knowing that He istin control of every aspect of my life.. Praise the Lord that I am not in charge!
Do you know the story of the woman at the well? In that story, Jesus unmasked her hidden sin and five husbands and live-in boyfriend. I know we shake our head when we hear that account and secretly judge her indiscretions. While it’s true she made some bad decisions, we’re ultimately not that different from…
The Proverbs 31 woman is known for speaking words of wisdom and using her speech to build others up and honor the Lord with her words. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26 Yet if we’re not careful, it’s easy for our tongue to get…
Dear Joy, Happy Birthday, my baby girl! I can’t believe you are four years old today! So much has changed in our lives since this time last year, yet by choosing joy in God’s plan for your life, I am forever changed for the better. You see it’s been almost 9 months since you were…
{This post does contain affiliate links and I will make a commission if you purchase through them. You can read the Disclosure Policy for more details.} You feel the stirring in your soul and the longing for more of God in your life. If you’re honest, you have no idea where to start to jump-start…
It was 5:30 am, and I sat in a puddle of tears on the floor, while my daughter, Joy, laughed uncontrollably at my exhaustion. Having Autism, I knew she struggled to understand emotion, but her enthusiastic laughter just made me sob harder. After a few moments of fuzzy, sleep filled thoughts, I realized this…
It came out of the blue recently and slipped into my life like an unwelcome guest. It engulfed me with fear of the future, fed me lies about my children’s behavior and paralyzed my fingers from sharing my heart with the world. The culprit? Anxiety.