Don't let hope be in short supply this holiday, even when you're battling depression.
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How to Find Hope When the Holiday Depression Hits

I’d rather fast forward past the holidays this year. Bah humbug. The holiday season is meant to be an exciting, wonderful time. Except when it isn’t. Friend, if you are not feeling the joy of the holiday season, you aren’t alone. Depression and sadness often hit during the holiday season. Whether due to grief, loss,…

How to Deal With Stress Without Anger
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How to Deal With Stress Without Anger

“I blew it with my four-year-old yesterday. Her constant whining wears me down.” “I’m pregnant with my third and the hormones are raging!” “My older kids fight non-stop, and the baby is headed into the ‘Terrible-Two’s’!” “I have a stressful job and when I come home, all I see is the mess. It makes me…

Easy Ways to Get Healthy as a Family
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Easy Ways to Get Healthy as a Family

I grew up in a large Italian family, where food was the showcase of every occasion and gathering.  I learned unhealthy habits as we sat around talking, laughing and just enjoying being together. Truthfully, healthy living was not a priority, but enjoying decadent dishes together, was a large part about who we were. I loved…

Surviving a Mommy Meltdown & Letting Go of Guilt
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Surviving a Mommy Meltdown & Letting Go of Guilt

{Please note, this post does contain affiliate links and if you choose to purchase, I will make a commission which supports this blog.  Please visit the disclosure policy for more details.} A new day is breaking but the sun has not yet graced the sky. Bubs has been in time-out twice already for throwing toys,…