Best Bible Study Questions to Help You Understand the Bible

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Do you want to study the Bible, but need practical ways to understand what you read? While I struggled to make sense of Scripture for years, I’ve discovered simple Bible study methods to help me understand the Bible. Once I started using these Bible study questions, I was able to begin to see the big picture in Scripture.

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I’ll show you how to understand the Bible using this simple study method, too! 


Title- 25 Questions to Help You Understand the Bible Picture- woman holding the Bible in her hands

Benefits of studying Scripture (and not just reading it!)

Studying the Bible can impact your life in a profound way! While it may seem intimating at first, the more you read Scripture, the more you’ll get to know the character of God. And the more you glimpse into God’s steadfast character, the more you’ll crave being in His perfect presence.

Plus, studying Scripture has many rich benefits, including:

  • A deep understanding of God’s Word. It helps you get the complete picture of the culture, time period, and what happened throughout the entire Bible. Studying Scripture helps you glimpse into God’s great plan and understand His commands.
  • Being able to apply God’s Word to your life. Knowing what His Word says helps you stand strong in temptation and puts you in the position to minister to others with truth. Plus, you’re able to discern God’s truth from the lie of the enemy and know when he’s trying to get you off course.
  • Relying on God for hope. Once you know Scripture and know where your hope lies, you’re able to stand firm in faith and press into the Lord when hard times come your way.  You’ll know that no matter how grim the circumstances may be, God is steadfast and still on His throne.
  • Sharing the Good News and ministering to others. As a result of studying the Bible and making God a priority in your life, you’ll want to share the Good News with others. A life that’s been radically changed by God’s amazing grace longs to shine the love of Jesus to those around you.


Title- How to Use Bible Study Questions to Understand the Bible Picture- Bible study in a journaling Bible

How to use these Bible Study questions in your quiet time

There’s a variety of ways you can use these Bible study questions in your daily quiet time.

As you begin your Scripture study, read the passage(s) of choice at least two times. 

The first time, read it to get a general idea of the meaning. Don’t rush through, but try to process it fully and spend a few minutes mulling over the meaning. 

The second time you read the passage, think through the Bible study questions below. To help you process further, consider writing the verse or passage out to fully grasp its meaning. 

Often when I write the Bible, I am able to notice repeated words or other aspects of the Scripture than if I just skimmed over it. Even writing a brief summary of the verse is a powerful way to understand God’s Word.

Bible journaling through the temptation of Jesus

Or, write out the main points in the verse or passage to help you process the overall message or meaning of the Scripture. I simply listed the key points of this passage below and it’s been a blessing to me! It’s an easy way for me to process and meditate on God’s Word throughout the day, too. 

God alone is our rest Bible journaling

Another way to use these Scripture study questions is by making a column for each question category below. Then, as you think through each question, jot down the answers and reflect on the passage.

Last but not least, use the following study questions to compare verses, passages, and chapters against each other using a different translation. I love to compare ESV, KJV, NASB, or even NIV against each other.  

Comparing Bible translations can help you understand the passage further or even a slight wording difference can make the Scriptures come alive in a fresh way. You may even wish to color code the passage for further meaning and to help you visually organize the events in your mind.

Whether or not you reflect on your Bible study questions in your prayer journal or simply think through them, they can have maximum impact on your spiritual growth.

Best Bible study questions for a meaningful quiet time with God


With these questions, you’ll further understand the people in the passages you’re reading, as well as the audience it was intended for. It’s a great way to help you keep track of the characters in the Bible and their genealogy, too.

  • Who wrote the passage or chapter?
  • Who was this passage written to or for?
  • Who are the main characters?
  • Who does God say I am?
  • Who is God calling me to pray for after reading this passage?


This section will help you identify important details in the passage and understand the overall meaning of the verses.

  • What was happening in the culture at the time?
  • What happened in the passage?
  • What did you learn from this passage?
  • What is the overall theme of this passage?
  • What are the keywords in this passage (or words you don’t know?) Stop and look them up to clarify the meaning.
  • What questions do you have after reading this?
  • What can we learn about God’s character?
  • What are God’s promises?
  • What actions will God do?
  • What action steps am I to take after reading this?

Bible journaling the Lord's prayer


  • When did this passage take place? 


  • Where did this passage take place?
  • Where do you see Jesus or prophesies of Jesus in this passage?


  • Why was this passage written?
  • Why is something being said or being questioned in this text?
  • Why do you think God allowed or will allow this to happen?


  • How did these characters and situations speak to me?
  • How does this passage fulfill the prophesy of Jesus? (In the Old Testament)
  • How does this passage speak to me about my relationship with God?
  • How does this passage speak to me about my relationships with others?
  • How can I apply this to my life?

If you want a strong faith, you must be intentional about seeking the Lord and studying His Word. These Bible study questions will help you go beyond the words on the page. Instead, these questions will help you apply Scripture to your life and live out your faith in action. 

Bible study resources to help you understand the Bible

Are you ready to start studying the Bible, but would love a complete guide for how to have a meaningful quiet time?

Our Quiet Time Toolkit helps you study God’s Word using Bible study templates for a variety of study methods.

picture of the Quiet Time Toolkit on a desk

These Bible study tools are a great way to understand the Bible and make sense of your time in God’s Word.

In fact, the lists of Bible study questions above are included in this resource! Whether you’re a Bible study beginner or searching for a deeper study method, these prayer and Bible study templates will help you grow in faith and have a deep relationship with God.

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