30 Christian Journal Prompts for Hope in All Circumstances

No matter what you face, a journaling habit can help you process your thoughts and reflect on the blessings in your life. While journaling through hardship may not be something you’re doing, it’s a powerful way to renew your mind with God’s truth and let go of the burdens that are weighing you down. Use these Christian journal prompts for hope to help you rekindle your joy in Jesus and process tough times standing on the promises of God.

What is a hope journal?

A hope journal is similar to a prayer journal. However, this journal is a collection of Scriptures, Christian affirmations, and prayers that you write down with the purpose of using them to stand firm in faith at a later time.

Ideally, you write in your hope journal regularly and in all seasons of life.

Then, it acts as your personal collection of biblical truths that you’ve already written and experienced first hand.

When you need encouragement, read through your hope journal to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and reflect on God’s blessings.

Then, watch as your own journal reflections point you to the hope of God when life feels overwhelming. (Trust me-this journaling habit is powerful!!)

A hope journal is perfect for those tough days (or seasons!) where you need to focus your heart on the goodness of God, not on your circumstances.

Are you ready to live with hope in God to move past overwhelm, fear, and anxiety?

Rooted in Hope Workshop and Journal images

Learn how to have biblical hope in all seasons of life, here

Benefits of using a hope journal

When the hard times come and threaten your world, journaling may not even be on your radar. (Friend, I’ve been there, too!)

Whether you have a regular journaling habit, or have never tried journaling, when you face the storms of life, it’s a powerful tool to help you cope.

The benefits of journaling for hope and healing:

  • Using a Christian journal can help you grow in faith as you release your burdens to the Lord. Writing a letter to God with your true, unmasked feelings is a simple way to record your deepest thoughts and bare your soul to the Lord. It’s a symbol of trust and acceptance of God’s plan, even when you don’t see the way.
  • Journaling helps you calm down and de-stress. While journaling, you may find yourself relaxing, breathing deeply, or letting go of pent-up anxiety. It’s a natural de-stressor and a powerful way to give yourself time to mentally rest and heal.
  • A hope journal also acts as a “stone of remembrance”. In Joshua 4, God commanded the Israelites to place “memorial stones” in the spot where He provided a way for them to cross the Jordan safely. This was a symbol of God’s faithfulness and a tangible way to remember how God provided in their life.

Similarly, we’re called to remember God’s faithfulness and use it to anchor our souls to His hope. Using a Christian journal is practical tool to remember God’s guidance and provision in your life

Title- Christian journal prompts for hope Picture- woman writing in prayer journal

Creative ways to use journal prompts for hope

As you start to use the journal prompts for hope, don’t feel like you have to stick to just using them with traditional pen and paper.

Instead, try these creative journal ideas to help you reflect on God’s goodness in all seasons of life.

Use these journal prompts for hope to:

30 Christian Journal Prompts for Hope

  1. Lord, thank you for hearing my pleas for help and hope, especially in the area of…
  2. Father, I praise you that you alone are my refuge and strength. When all I feel overwhelmed, help me remember….
  3. Lord, you alone are my hope and strength, thank you for ___…
  4. God, when the hard times come, help me to remember ____…
  5. When I feel hopeless, help me to ___…
  6. A time when I felt God’s presence in hardship is ____…
  7. To me, the hope of God means …
  8. Read and reflect on Psalm 5.
  9. One way I live God’s hope in my life is ____…
  10. One way I live God’s strength in my life is____…
  11. A Scripture I cling to for hope is ….
  12. A song that points me to the hope of God is …
  13. When the hard times come, a practical way to find hope is…
  14. When I’m surrounded by hardship, I’ll remember…
  15. A biblical affirmation I’ll recite in times of trouble is …
  16. Reflect on how the hope of God impacts the mundane moments of life.
  17. Close your eyes. Reflect on the image that comes to mind about the hope of God. Draw or write about the image of hope you saw.
  18. A few ways I will be still in God’s presence when I’m desperate for hope is…
  19. Reflect on a time when the hope of God pierced through suffering and the storms of this life.
  20. Sketch out your favorite Bible verse on hope.
  21. Who is someone you know who needs the hope of God in their life? Reflect on how you can encourage this person with biblical truth.
  22. On the days I want to give up, I will instead ..
  23. What is the “mountain” in your life right now that feels impossible? Write a prayer asking God to fill you with hope.
  24. Reflect on the people who fill you with truth in hard times.
  25. What attributes of God fill you with hope?
  26. Is Scripture your lifeline in times of trouble? Reflect on how God’s Word anchors your soul in tough times.
  27. Write a prayer of thanks to God for being your hope and strength no matter what you face.
  28. Reflect on a time where God worked in an impossible situation.
  29. How does hope of eternity with God help you rise to meet the challenges of your life?
  30. Read and reflect on Psalm 25.
  31. How is God your refuge and shelter in the storms of life?
  32. Write a prayer asking God to help you stand firm in faith in hard times. Then, recite this prayer in tough moments.

woman praying and holding Bible

Free hope journal pages

Now it’s your turn to make a hope journal!

Use this free journal and journal prompts in your own quiet time with God.

picture of free journal prompts and journal page

Simply print them off or download them to use on your device. Choose a time to add to your hope journal regularly and keep it in a handy place.

Then, in those moments you feel overwhelmed or burdened, use your Christian hope journal to reflect on the goodness of God.

Remember all those times God faithfully carried you away and how He continues to walk with you in all seasons of life.

You can have hope, no matter what you face, because God is good and He is who He says He is!

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