Bible Study Tips for Busy Women: The 10-Minute Quiet Time

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When life is busy and overwhelming, it may be tempting to skip your daily quiet time with God. Yet a weary soul is filled and rejuvenated at the foot of the cross. A woman who’s pressed for time really needs to refuel her soul in the presence of the Lord before anything else.  Explore how these practical Bible study tips can help even the busiest girl meet with God in just 10 minutes a day.

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Title- The 10 Minute Bible Study Tips for When Life is Busy Picture- Reading the Bible on a blanket

How reading the Bible helps you conquer overwhelm

As you navigate a busy season of life, it makes sense to plan your day with the activities and responsibilities that are truly necessary. When life is busy, you do need to guard your time carefully and make sure those essentials in life are being taken care of.

Yet carving time to meet with Jesus should still be on your to-do list, even when you’re short on time.

These benefits of Bible study are a great way to help you thrive and let go of stress, while soaking in the goodness of God.

Reading the Bible helps you:

Renew your mind with God’s Word

When life feels out of control, it’s easy to lose your center and focus. Yet when you make time to read the Bible in busy times, you’re renewing your mind with the promises of God and reminding your frazzled spirit whose you are.

Stand firm against temptation and overwhelm

As you strive to stay afloat in hectic seasons of life, reading the Bible helps you stand firm against the ploys of the enemy. The evil one wants nothing more than to use busyness and overwhelm as a reason to get you off track and feeling out of control.

Yet by reading God’s Word and spending even 10 minutes in Scripture, you’re able to recall God’s promises and stand firm when overwhelm threatens to consume you whole.

Have hope in Jesus, not your current situation

As you spend time in the Word, you remember that your current situation is not the end of the story. To those who have accepted God as their Lord and Savior, this world is only a blip on the radar of God’s eternity.

We can take our eyes off our current troubles when we know that God has prepared a place for His children and this world is not our home. We can have joy here on Earth because Jesus is our complete joy and soul satisfaction.

Best Bible study tips when you’re short on time

Now that you know the benefits of studying Scripture, let’s explore how the Bible can come alive for the busy woman in only 10 minutes a day. These Bible study tips for busy women are perfect for both beginners and Bible study pros, too.

Use the READ Bible Study Method

This practical Bible study method is the perfect way to savor God’s Word and do more than just read a Bible verse and go about your day.

Plus, it uses the acronym READ, so it’s easy to remember.

R-Read and reflect on the passage

When you’re pressed for time, this first step matters even more. Slow down and consciously read the passage at least twice.

Think through the meaning of the verse, where it takes place, and who wrote the passage. If time allows, write the passage or a key takeaway from the verse.

E- Evaluate the passage

There are many ways to evaluate a passage of Scripture. When you’re pressed for time, thinking through a few of these Bible study questions will help you ponder the verse and understand its meaning.

You may also wish to list out the key points in a summary, as I did below. Adding color to your Bible study helps you remember the key points and can even help you meditate on Scripture throughout the day.

God alone is our rest Bible journaling

A- Apply this passage to your life

As you reflect on the Scripture, it’s important to think and pray through what God is teaching you through this passage.

Look back at the verse again to see what God is commanding you to do, how you can live this text in action, or who God has prompted you to pray for after reading this.

D- Delight in the Lord and praise Him 

Spend time praising the Lord for His flawless character and His gift of grace at the cross. Then, continue reflecting on God’s goodness all day long.

You may want to use a Christian gratitude prompt to record what you’re grateful for in your planner or keep it someplace visible throughout the day. This will help you live grateful and rejoice in God’s goodness, even when life feels stressful.

The READ Bible study method works great with any Scripture or passage, too. If you’re not sure where to start reading the Bible, use this free Bible reading plan bundle to help you confidently read God’s Word.

Read a Psalm

Reading just one Psalm can fuel your soul with God’s truth all day long! If you find yourself struggling to fit in a lengthy quiet time, focus on reading one Psalm.

Then, pray the Scripture back to God. Focus on praising the Lord for His blessings and character.

Write out a Bible verse or passage

To help you process your Scripture reading, try writing the Bible passage word for word. This will help you slow down and savor God’s Word, but is also perfect way to observe Scripture more.

Look for:

  • repeated words or phrases for emphasis
  • synonyms or words with similar meanings
  • what God commands you to do (and what action steps you need to take in your own life)
  • the character of God and ways God has provided for His children

I love to write the verse on a sticky note or in my planner, so I have truth at my fingertips all day long.

Read the Bible on the go

When I’m super pressed for time and can’t read the Bible before I leave the house, I try to at least pull up Bible on my phone at some point.

This site has a verse of the day that’s perfect to reflect on, or use it to look up another favorite passage. I love how God reveals Himself in fresh way with verses you’ve read time and time again. It’s such a blessing!

Meditate on a familiar verse or memorized passage

Memorizing Scripture and hiding it in your heart comes in so handy on those days when reading the Bible just doesn’t happen.

I love to pause, recite the verse a couple of time in my thoughts, and pray the Scripture back to God.  Plus, it’s a great way to renew your mind when you can’t pause to open God’s Word.

Girls studying the Bible together

Bible study tools for busy women

A Bible reading plan

A Bible reading plan will help you stay on track in your quiet time and conveniently outline verses for you to read. No more wondering what to study!

Grab the reader-favorite Ultimate Bible Reading Plan here. Either print it out and keep it with your Bible study materials, or save it to your phone for a quiet time on the go!

Free prayer journal pages

Record your Bible study reflections on these cute (and free!) prayer journal pages here.

The Quiet Time Toolkit:

While the READ Bible study method is easy on its own, it’s included as one of the best-selling Bible study templates in The Quiet Time Toolkit.

These Bible study and prayer resources take the guess work out of what to study in the Bible and how to understand God’s Word. It makes your quiet time even more practical and convenient.  Simply read a passage of Scripture and then fill out the template as you process what you read.

Be Still: Daily Prayer Journal

Cultivate a meaningful quiet time with God with a daily prayer journal. Let this prayer journal help you pray war room prayers and cultivate daily gratitude, even when you’re short on time.

As you walk through busy and overwhelming seasons of life, remember to seek the Lord. Trust that your to-do list can wait and that the Word of God will supply you with strength every step of the way.

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