Realistic Family Projects for the Non-Pinterest Mom
Surfing through Pinterest, one of my favorite relaxing activities, I’m bombarded by these extravagant family fun projects that make me cringe a little.
Inside I’m questioning how on earth these families have it together enough to make glorious arts and crafts, while my child is shoveling paste and crayons in her mouth faster than I can encourage her to stop. {Yes, that’s Autism in action at our house!}
While I LOVE Pinterest, its standards can be a little daunting and I sometimes walk away wondering why I am not a more creative or hands-on mom.
I’ve heard from countless women who feel inferior and that they don’t measure up while surfing Pinterest and seeing posts of immaculate homes and magazine-worthy craft projects.
But you don’t have to be chained to expectations of craftiness or imaginary standards of super-mom perfection!
Your worth as a woman is not defined by how Pinterest-worthy your life is!
Your identity doesn’t lie in your ability to craft the perfect holiday wreath or throw glamorous birthday parties.
Your worth lies in God alone, and when you have a personal relationship with Him, He calls you daughter, chosen, and beloved, and gives you a new identity in Him.
This new identity doesn’t depend on your abilities or situations here on earth, but in who He is, and in His sacrifice for YOU. He loved you enough to have His only Son die in your place at the cross, and when He did, it shattered all earthly expectations of perfection.
When you let go of the lie that you don’t measure up to Pinterest standards as a mother, remember who the Ultimate Standard is, and find security in knowing that the King of All Kings delights in YOU.
And when that new identity takes root in your soul and you begin to live free from the shackles of perfectionism, you’ll realize you can still have fun with a family project without being a Pinterest mom! You don’t have to have elaborate projects or scrapbook worthy preparation photos for memories to be made and families to be unified.
Your kids won’t care if your project is super creative or if it doesn’t turn out perfectly. All they’ll remember is that you took time to intentionally build into their lives and spent time together.
So this week, we’re going to celebrate the Strong Family Project {#strongfamilyproject} in action with REALISTIC family projects. {Are you new to the Strong Family Project? Grab a printable calendar of fun and focus on strengthening the bond of you family unit.}
We will:
1. Make memories with our family and laugh together.
2. Make a mess and be ok with it.
3. Resist the urge for perfection and let our children have a solid role in the project.
4. Understand that even if our project is a flop, the goal is to talk, laugh, and enjoy the company.
5. Let go of our insecurities about not being crafty and stop comparing our projects to those of other families.
Easy Project ideas:
1. Make goo or slime together. {This is one of our favorites, and you can find more kid-friendly ideas on my Pinterest board, Kid Stuff.}
2. Have the family paint canvases to hang as art around the home or in their rooms.
3. Make sock puppets out of old socks and have a puppet show.
4. Do a Science experiment to make learning together fun {Great project ideas here.}
5. Do a service project together {Here’s a great list of projects for all ages.}
6. Make a family scrapbook.
7. Cook or bake together.
8. Send a care package to a soldier.
9. Shop for and make Blessing Bags to pass out to those in need. {Details about Blessing Bags found here}.
10. Create a backyard obstacle course. {Ideas found here.}
There are countless ways to engage the whole family in a project and to strengthen your family bond. Have fun and let those perfect Pinterest expectations go!
What are your favorite projects to bond with your family?