
4 Steps to Making Family Bible Study a Reality in Your Home

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Brace yourself.

Because I am going to say three words that immediately cause the majority of us to feel inadequate and guilty, if not defeated: (Are you ready for them?)


For many Christians, the words “family Bible study” produce feelings of guilt, frustration, inadequacy, and mild panic. We know how important it is to teach our children God’s Word, but we feel paralyzed by our lack of knowledge, lack of time, or sheer exhaustion.

If you feel this way, you are not alone. I don’t know of any Christian parent who has gotten to the point of saying, “Wow. I am doing an AMAZING job of teaching my children God’s Word. Every night we read through four chapters of the Bible followed by heart-felt prayer, an altar call, and the Doxology (sung in four part harmony).” (And if you are saying that right now, please help the rest of us out!)

None of us have “arrived” in the area of family Bible study.

But all of us can take some small steps towards improving this area of our family life.

Today is a New Day

Maybe family Bible study has become a chore for you. Maybe it has slipped out of your family’s schedule altogether. Maybe it has never actually been a part of your family’s schedule. That’s OK, because today is a new day.

You can step out in faith today as you seek to make family Bible study a reality in your home.

4 Steps to Make Family Bible Study a Reality In Your Home

Step 1: Pray About It

Ask God to give you the strength, wisdom, and determination that you will need to make family Bible study a priority. Ask God for wisdom and grace to know which areas of your life need to be trimmed in order to make time for Bible study. Then, ask God to open your spouse’s heart to desire family Bible study time, as well.

Step 2: Start Small

Family Bible study doesn’t have to be complicated or long. Intentionally set aside ten to fifteen minutes each day to study the Bible with your family. Don’t know where to start? Try reading one Psalm, a couple of verses from the book of Proverbs, or one chapter from the Gospel of John each day. Discuss what you have read with your family.


How to Make Family Bible Study a Reality in Your Home

Step 3: Make it Age Appropriate and Engaging

It may not be most beneficial to read three chapters out of the book of Leviticus to your hyperactive three-year-old. Conversely, don’t insult your teen’s intelligence by trying to take him through a devotional that was clearly written for younger children.

Find resources that are age appropriate and engaging for your children. If your child is artistic, find a Bible study that focuses more on drawing. If your teen is struggling with doubts about her faith, find a good apologetics book written for teens. The Bible is written for your child. Help them to discover that through engaging Bible studies.

Let the Family Bible Study Toolkit make

Bible study FUN for kids and SIMPLE for moms!

>> Learn more here <<

Step 4: Approach the Bible as the Living Word of God

Do you ever wonder at the fact that the all-powerful, all-knowing God Who created the heavens and the earth took the time to communicate with you and your family through His precious Word? Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with awe and amazement at this wonderful fact.

What Step Will You Take This Week?

We know that faithfully teaching our children God’s Word is our highest calling as Christian parents. Often we get busy, distracted, overwhelmed, and just plain tired. But that doesn’t mean that we have to be defeated in this area of life. Instead, we can intentionally take that first little step, then the next, then the next, as we faithfully show our family what it looks like to walk with God.

What step are you going to take today to improve your family Bible study time? Will you make it a matter of prayer? Do you need to find a better family devotional? Do you need to just set aside those ten minutes and make it happen?

Author Bio: Anna Joy is a Christian mom and blogger passionate about helping families discover  that family Bible study is not only doable, but enjoyable! She blogs about creative Bible study and writes Bible studies for families and churches at Path Through the Narrow Gate


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