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To the Mom Who Wants to Raise Godly Kids

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To the Mom Who Wants to Raise Godly Kids,

I know you, friend.  While we’ve never met in person,  I know your heart and how you long to raise kids who love the Lord.  Your heart’s desire is to grow children who have a personal relationship with God and have deep roots of faith.

Yet as much as you long to point kids to Jesus in all you do, life gets in the way.  And life can be messy.

Truthfully, Bible study in your home can be chaotic and noisy as you try to wrangle the troops to pray. You hope and pray that your children are grasping biblical principles, but deep down, you question their spiritual growth.

Plus, the reality and sheer busyness of life can leave even the best moms rushing to squeeze in a Bible story here and a memory verse there.

Mama, relax and breathe deep.  The fact that you desire to raise godly kids means you’re already doing something right. I promise, you don’t need to have it all together to lead kids towards a healthy relationship with God.  Simply remember and put into practice, these practical suggestions.


Weave prayers and the Gospel into every aspect of life

You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to talk about Jesus with your kids! I promise! You can easily…

Admire the sunrise and give glory to God’s handiwork and creation.

Show grace in misbehavior and share truth about Jesus’ redemption at the cross.

Teach kindness and acceptance because God loved us first in the mess of our sins.

Use everyday situations to make God a natural part of conversation, discussion and life.  Before long, kids will start asking questions and give you the opportunity to share the details of the Christian faith.

Set an example of faith

Mama, let me ease some of pressure now.  Being an example of Jesus doesn’t mean you’re perfect or have life all figured out.

It means humbling yourself and letting your kids see you ask forgiveness and use your shortcomings to teach about God’s grace.

Reading your Bible and praying in front of your children shows them faith in action.

And nothing speaks the love of Christ like humbly serving them and others.

The beauty of a relationship with Christ is that He meets us as we are in our own mess and sin. By our own example, we show the family that God accepts us as we are and transforms us in His image.  What a powerful message of faith!

Find practical Bible study strategies that work with YOUR family

As your family grows and changes, so will your family devotional time.  Whether you’re singing your toddler to sleep or helping your 6th grader with homework at 10:00 pm, carve out a (flexible) plan for the family to time spend in God’s Word.  If your best laid plan falls apart, simply keep trying until you find resources and a plan that works for your life.

Simply keep Scripture as the core foundation of your home and find creative ways to study it together. Don’t get bogged down in the reading the perfect study or finding the perfect time to pray together.

If you need a way to make discipleship easy and practical, let The Family Bible Study Toolkit guide your way. This simple spiritual growth resource will lead your kids (and you, too!) to a firm foundation of faith.

It will give you the confidence and the tools to boldly disciple your family in a natural, conversational way.

Learn more about The Family Bible Study Toolkit

Yet, the best way to raise godly kids is to pray and surrender them back to the Lord. Trust that the King of Kings, who lovingly crafted them in His image, has a plan for their life.  You can do it with God’s help!

Many blessings,

Sarah Ann

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