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Christmas Family Fun Activity Cards- Free Printable

Sharing is caring!

Celebrate this special season with these fun Christmas activity cards!  Put them into a bag or jar and have the kids choose an activity each day leading up to Christmas.

Then, enjoy spending time together as a family doing the activity on the card.  There are blank ones to write your family favorite ideas on there or to focus on a Christ-centered celebration.

In our house, we love to read aloud about the promise, life and ministry of Jesus, create Blessing Bags for the less fortunate, and enjoy a few simple traditions.

Using these activity cards is a great way focus your holiday on family memories and celebrating Jesus as the true reason for the season!

Christmas Family Fun Activity Cards

The activities include the following ideas:

Write your Christmas cards & hand deliver any local or extra special cards

Make paper snowflakes

Go caroling

Draw a picture of your favorite things about Christmas

Write a letter to Santa

Make paper chains

Collect pinecones

Make popcorn garland

Read a story about Christmas

Make an ornament for your Christmas tree

Watch a Christmas movie

Make a bird feeder

Go for a walk or a drive to see the Christmas lights

Decorate your Christmas tree!

Make Christmas cookies or treats

Stay up late, drink hot chocolate and tell stories

Decorate a gingerbread house

Collect food & donate to the local food bank or a family in need

Choose three of your toys and give them away

Go ice skating

Help wrap presents

Visit Santa in his workshop

Write a Christmas Wish and hang it on your tree

Hang your Christmas stocking

Go Christmas shopping

Make sugar cookies

Draw pictures for Santa

Make Christmas cards for your friends

Take silly holiday photos

Decorate your front window or door

Celebrate #Christmas with these #familyfun ideas. These simple., yet creative activities will help you enjoy your #holiday and make memories as a family. #freeprintable #Christmasactivities #kidsideas

Have a picnic in front of the Christmas tree

Go sledding

Decorate cookies

Go snowshoeing

Make a Christmas craft

Have a pajama day!

Send a holiday card to a soldier

Have a dance party with Christmas music

Make reindeer food

Read the Polar Express

Take a winter nature walk

Build a snowman

Have a snowball fight

Go on a sleigh ride

Make cinnamon rolls

Take a family photo in front of the Christmas tree

Call or visit your Grandparents or other extended family

Have breakfast for dinner

Bring a gift for the Angel Tree

Make & leave Christmas cards for those who serve your community (i.e. trash collectors, mail carriers, delivery drivers, etc)

Have a Christmas tea party

Make a Christmas tree out of Legos or blocks

Have an ugly sweater competition

Make a video holiday card and send it to friends and family

Go on a Christmas themed scavenger hunt

Volunteer at a soup kitchen

Donate clothes, coats and blankets to a shelter

Make mason jar snow globes

Go to a Christmas show

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