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3 Signs You’re Overwhelmed by Life

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You feel it in the depths of your soul.  Something is “off”.

You don’t feel like yourself and no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to regain the momentum you once had.

You’re plagued by fatigue, and even if your head were to magically hit the pillow for a solid eight hours, you’re sure it wouldn’t cure the ache of exhaustion.

You wonder if others feel the way you do, worn out, worn down, and unable to continue this breakneck pace of life.

Yet when confronted with the age old question, “What’s wrong?”, you can’t quite put your finger on the source of your angst.

If you can identify with the following statements, you may be overwhelmed with life.

3 Signs You're Overwhelmed by Life

You have an irritable spirit.

When suffering from an overwhelmed soul, you may notice an increase in irritability.  This irritablity is beyond your typical bad day, and seems to linger despite your best effort to shake it off.

Even your favorite friends and family members are sand paper to your spirit. They constantly rub you the wrong way and get under your skin.

You may notice that your fuse is constantly lit, and you’re ready to explode at the slightest irritation.

And while you despise the feeling of constant friction, you’re not sure how to rise above.

You’re restless.

Although your to do list is never ending, you find that you’re not as productive and efficient as you once used to be. In fact, your mounting list of demands has left you paralyzed, and the thought of doing anything leaves you restless and unable to check items off your list.

Yet in that restlessness, you’re lacking peace as your responsibilities loom overhead.

You’re blah.

Once someone who used to sparkle and shine, you’re living in a blah zone.  Your personality feels dull and lackluster, yet you wish more than anything you could snap out of your funk.

If you identify with these three areas, then you may be overwhelmed by life.

The modern woman runs on a hamster wheel, racing through life without the chance to savor the precious moments we’ve been given.

The imaginary competition among ourselves to do more and to be the best has left us empty and searching for more in life.

We long for rest, for margin, and for a chance to get to know ourselves and our place in this world.

How do I know the cries of the modern day woman?

Friend, I’ve been there, too.

Plagued by these feelings in my own life since the spring, I’ve been on my knees asking for God to breathe new life into me and to show me how to overcome these feelings of angst.

He has consistently led me to one word to help breathe new life into me and to allow for His restoration:


God is helping me prune every area of my life to simplify my heart and to block out the noise of this world.

I need is less of me and more of Him.

I need intentional living centered around God’s promises and plans for me.

I need to relinquish all areas of my life to Him and to seek Him passionately.

If you’re like me, longing to recover from the shackles of this world, join me for the new series, SIMPLIFY, to help restore balance, passion, and purpose once again.

This eight week series will explore every area of life from marriage to health to faith. It will help us weed out the unnecessary to make room for God and restore balance to our soul.

May these next two months be a season of hope, realignment, and encouragement, as we seek to make more room for God in our lives and embrace His perfect peace among the reality of everyday life.

How do you fight against feelings of despair and being overwhelmed?


This post was shared with Grace & Truth, Mommy Moments




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