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Wake Up Your Faith Challenge


My dear friends, it’s confession time. This may sound shallow and more than a little naive, but I loathe listening to the news because it depresses me. Seriously.  I hate the violence, the tragedy, the harsh reality that so many around the globe endure on a daily basis. Meanwhile, I am comfortable in my bubble of suburbia.  My life never depends on me silencing my belief in the Lord and I’ve never known true danger. While I have weathered some storms in my life, ranging from my husband’s cancer to infertility to Autism, we have been spared much grief and sorrow.  Despite living through miracles God orchestrated on our behalf, I sometimes skate through the day on a measly, “Thanks for blessing me, God”, without craving His presence the way that I am designed to need Him.

I’ve fallen into complacency in my Christian faith and am often content to keep God at arm’s length.

If I am honest, my Christian walk often mirrors a drive- through restaurant. Sunday morning I quickly “drive-through” church and participate enough to feel “full.” More often than not, I walk away with my list of chores and my busy calendar consuming my thoughts instead of letting God control every aspect of my life.

Can you relate? Have you experienced periods of complacency where you were content to play church without really connecting with God?

Maybe you are a believer, yet have never acted in faith to share the gospel or have a desire to go deeper in your relationship with Him.

Maybe you struggle with connecting to Him through prayer, but instead only talk with Him when you are in need and want Him to save the day.

Maybe you’ve been acting spiritual in front of others, but at the core, you have a nonchalant attitude about God and don’t invite Him into every aspect of your life.

Maybe you feel spiritually dead inside, wondering if God is even there and if He even cares.

Friends, God is calling us all to experience the depths of His presence and to live a life passionately pursuing Him.

He is calling you to experience Him in ways that you never have before and to grow in your faith.

He is calling you to shed the layers of complacency and to daily suit up in His armor designed to battle the evil one.

He is calling you to proclaim His sacrifice and perfect love to everyone you know.

He is calling you to live passionately for Him and to finally experience true joy and freedom by growth in a personal relationship with Him.

He is calling you to WAKE UP YOUR FAITH through spiritual renewal and a call to action!!!

Now is the time for revival!

But how do we experience spiritual growth? How do we dive deeper into a relationship with Him and experience His presence like never before?  Is it REALLY possible?

Yes, it IS possible. God longs for us to make Him a part of every aspect of our life and to submit our will to His.

Join me on a seven week challenge to wake up your faith.  Each week on Tuesday and Thursday, I will reveal a post that dissects aspects of the Christian faith;  prayer, studying God’s Word, service, Scripture memory, sharing your faith, and building a community of believers.

Each week I will:

* Help you honestly examine where you are in that area

* Encourage you to set goals for growth

* Point to God’s Truth on the topic at hand

* Give you practical tips for application

* Lead you to available resources

* Have printable reference pages to aide your growth

How do I get started on this journey?

1. Make a commitment!!!

Just as with any new habit and building any relationship, growth takes a commitment.  Decide you are ready for growth, ready for revival, ready to see God work in your life, and make the commitment to join the Wake Up Your Faith Challenge.

2. Print off the commitment form, sign it, and put it in a place of prominence (your refrigerator, calendar, bathroom mirror) to remind yourself that you have committed these next few weeks to experience the presence of the Lord.


3. Share the challenge with others and recruit your friends.  I have more success with a new habit if I ask someone to hold me accountable and do it in a group. This would be a great way for husbands and wives to connect spiritually to each other, so ask your spouse or significant other to join you!

4. Spread the word through your favorite social media avenue.  Tell others about this so God can reach and awaken many from around the world as He calls His children to action.  Feel free to print off the commitment form, take a picture with you holding it and post it to your favorite social media site.  Don’t forget to tag Faith Along the Way in your picture!

5. Follow Faith Along the Way for easy access to the challenge so you never miss a post.

Follow by e-mail: Sign up in the box on the sidebar to receive the posts directly in your inbox.  Add Faith Along the Way to your address book or it may be sent to spam. If you are not receiving the e-mails and signed up, be sure you activated your account and then check your spam folder.

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6. Mark your calendar.  The Wake -Up Your Faith Challenge starts Tuesday, August 19th.  Be sure you have followed Faith Along the Way, check back here on Tuesday and be ready to see how God moves in your life, awakens your heart and renews your faith!

I am praying for each and every person who commits to join the challenge community.  I would love to pray for you by name, so if you commit to join, feel free to leave your first name, last initial and your state or country in the comment section.  I can’t wait to see how God calls us all to step out in faith over the course of the next weeks together!! I’m so excited and ready for God to bring revival to us all!!!



    1. Thank you! I’m so glad you will be joining the challenge! I will be praying for you! Spread the word and invite a friend to join you!

  1. So glad you are doing a Wake Up Your Faith Challenge. So many people need this to get reconnected with God. Others do not even realize they can have a personal relationship with Him. I had this experience almost ten years ago now and it has changed my life so much. Good luck to you and I pray it transforms lives from the inside out. Stopping in from Thrive at Home.

    1. Kim,

      I’m so glad you stopped by but even more glad you’ve found a personal relationship with the Lord. That’s what life is all about!!! Blessings to you!

  2. Visiting from Blessing Counters today. Love this idea–what a great way to encourage others to wake up and take faith seriously. I hope you get an awesome response. I’m pinning this post as a great example of ways to get people engaged. I’ve also connected on twitter and liked your FB page. I love connecting with other bloggers through link ups.

    1. Hi Ginger,

      I’m so glad you joined me from the link-up! I will be following back and appreciate your support so much!

  3. Count me in, Sarah Ann. I love this idea. I’m looking forward to connecting with others on this journey. Blessings!

    1. Deb,

      I’m so glad to have you on board! Praying for all of us on this journey!

    1. Joey,

      It’s a pleasure to have you join the challenge and I’ll be praying for you as we begin this journey together. May God work in all of our lives during these next few weeks!

  4. I’m in! I’m all about growing in my own faith and building others in their faith. I’m looking forward to seeing the Body be more and more like the Acts church. Fellowshipping (apparently not a word according to my spell check), praying, reading, meeting each others’ needs and sharing the gospel on a regular if not daily basis. Let’s go!

    1. Shay,
      Yay! I am so glad you are joining the challenge! May God restore our hearts and reignite our passion for Him!

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