woman praying

Adoption Prayers: 10 Prayers for Your Adoption Journey

The word adoption makes me smile every time. It makes me want to settle into a deep conversation and share my heart over a cup of coffee. I love encouraging families to open their mind and heart to the possibility of an adopted child! These adoption prayers will be a powerful addition to your own journey.

If we were sitting in a dimly lit Starbucks together, first I’d answer your FAQ About Private Adoption and then I’d share How You Know You’re Ready to Adopt. Then, I’d share these adoption prayers to help you prepare your heart while you wait.

As we parted ways, I’d probably be crying, remembering my own road to adoption, but would scribble down a list of my favorite scriptures and prayers for the days ahead.

Wherever you are on your journey, whether waiting for the paperwork to be complete or waiting for your baby to enter this world, hit your knees and pray these scriptures back to the Lord, allowing him to work on your behalf.

Bathe your adoption in these simple, but heart-changing prayers.


Title- 10 adoption prayers ideas Picture- woman praying on the beach

Adoption prayers for peace

Adoption can be a tumultuous journey and anxiety can creep in and smother the joy without notice.  Thankfully, we serve a God who is faithful to provide serenity and rest in moments of fear and stress.  Pray that God will banish fear from your heart, and fill you with his peaceful presence, allowing you to get much needed rest.  After all, if you are going to have a baby, you will need to be well rested!

“The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11

Father, We come before you with grateful hearts, recognizing the depth of your love and the beauty of adoption that mirrors your own love for us. As we embark on this journey of adoption, we seek your guidance, strength, and the assurance of your peace. Help us to rest in your peace in times we’re anxious and afraid. 

Adoption prayers for wisdom

Decisions, decisions, decisions.  On our adoption journey, I felt all we did was make huge decisions that would have a significant impact on our lives.  I was on my knees daily asking for wisdom and prayed that God would provide us with the ability to be wise without getting our emotions entangled.  It’s hard to be rational when you are so desperate for a baby!

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5


In the journey of adoption that lies ahead, we seek your divine wisdom, the kind that surpasses human understanding. Your Word reminds us that if any of us lacks wisdom, we can ask You, and You will generously give it to us. Today, we humbly come before You, recognizing our need for your guiding light.

Grant us discernment, O Lord, as we navigate the complexities of adoption. Give us the insight to make decisions that align with your perfect will. Help us to see the path you have set before us clearly, so that our choices may be filled with wisdom, grace, and love.

Adoption prayers for strength and endurance

The road to your adopted child may be quick and painless, but for many, it’s a journey that is long and exhausting. {Our 2nd adoption was an uphill battle which you can read about here.} Pray that God will graciously supply you strength and the ability to keep going in moments of overwhelming emotions. He promises to never leave your side and will guide you down the path of the unknown.

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11

Lord, the path of adoption can be long and challenging, filled with waiting, uncertainties, and emotional highs and lows. Grant us the strength to persevere through the waiting seasons, knowing that you are with us in every moment. May we find endurance in your love and peace, even when the journey seems difficult.

As we face the inevitable challenges that may come our way, empower us with your strength. Help us to overcome doubts, fears, and any obstacles that may arise. May we draw on your limitless strength to press on with courage and determination.

Prayers for courage

The adoption journey requires courage from the Lord and faith to trust that he is by your side every step of the way.  Nothing takes him by surprise or catches him off guard.  Be strong in him, keeping your eyes on him as you take leaps of faith in ways you’ve never imagined.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6

Heavenly Father,

As we embark on this adoption journey, we cling to the promise you have given us in Deuteronomy 31:6 – “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” We stand on this truth, knowing that your presence grants us the courage we need.

Lord, in moments of uncertainty and doubt, help us to find courage in your unfailing love. Remind us that you are with us every step of the way, guiding our path and providing the strength we need to face the challenges before us.

woman in morning prayer time resting on her Bible

Adoption Prayers for God’s Will

To me, this was the hardest prayer to utter while waiting for our children.  While there was a verbal agreement that our children would be placed with us upon birth, I had no control or say in the situation.  All I could do was sit back, wait and pray.  As much as I longed for a child, I also longed to be in the center of God’s will.  I trusted that the Creator of the Universe knew me to deepest depths of my soul and that his plan would be best for our lives.  Each day, I released the dream of adoption back to the Lord.

If you’re clinging tightly to the dream of adoption, surrender it and lay it at the feet of Jesus.  Allow him to work in ways beyond your imagination. Let him guide you, no matter the bumps along the way and issues you may face.  Trust that God has a plan for your life and loves you more than you can fathom.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

Lord, in our desire to expand our family through adoption, we seek your guidance and direction. Transform our minds and align our hearts with your will. May we discern your good, pleasing, and perfect plan for us in this adoption process.

Grant us the wisdom to recognize your leading and the patience to wait on your timing. May your Spirit guide us in every decision, from choosing agencies to connecting with birth parents, and ultimately to welcoming the child you have chosen for us.

Help us to surrender any preconceived notions or expectations and be open to your divine surprises. May our hearts be attuned to your voice, and our steps be ordered by your grace.

Scripture prayers for the birth parents

I can’t imagine placing a child up for adoption, but know it requires a large amount of love for the child.  In our situation, the birth parents were unable to care for our children, and knew that they could not provide a safe, reliable environment to raise one child, let alone two. Together they decided to place the child(ren) up for adoption.  But the decision was not easy and it certainly was not because they did not love these children.  I prayed that God would show them that with his help, they could demonstrate the ultimate act of love by placing the child(ren) up for adoption.

“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” I Corinthians 13: 6-8

Heavenly Father,

As we lift our hearts in prayer for the birth parents who have made the courageous decision to entrust their child into the arms of another, we draw inspiration from the words of 1 Corinthians 13:6-8: “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

Lord, we pray that your boundless love surrounds and embraces these birth parents. In their selfless act of love, may they experience the depth of your protective care. Shield them from doubts and fears, and reassure them that their choice is bathed in the truth of love.

Grant them the strength to persevere through any challenges they may face and fill their hearts with the enduring hope that your love provides. May they feel the comforting presence of your Spirit, assuring them that they are not alone in this journey.

Adoption prayers for protection of your heart

Guarding your heart is crucial during this season of your life.  When the dream of adoption is written on your heart, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the daydreams and be overwhelmed with excitement.  But friend, slow down {I mean this with love!}. Allow God to capture your heart and let him keep it safe for you from drama, frustration, anxiety, and a long journey.  Draw your strength and fulfillment from him alone, and he will protect your already fragile heart from being broken.

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” Psalm 5:11

Heavenly Father,

As we embark on this adoption journey, we seek the shelter of your presence, trusting in your promise found in Psalm 5:11: “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”

Lord, we bring our hearts before you, acknowledging the vulnerability that comes with hope and anticipation. As we open our hearts to the possibility of welcoming a child into our family, we pray for protection from the disappointments that may arise.

Spread your protective wings over us, Lord, shielding our hearts from fear, doubt, and discouragement. May your presence be a constant source of joy, reassuring us that our refuge is found in you alone. In moments of waiting and uncertainty, anchor our hearts in the confidence that you are in control.

Scripture prayers for the child

Pray a hedge of protection around your baby; that God would allow him/her to be healthy, and grow despite any circumstances.  Pray that your baby receives the nutrients he/she needs for all body parts and organs to form and fuse together correctly.  Trust that God is knitting this precious life together and He created this baby in His image.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14

Lord, as we anticipate the arrival of the precious child meant to join our family through adoption, we marvel at the beauty of your handiwork. We praise you for the intricate design of this child’s inmost being and the wonder of their unique existence.

We lift this child before you, whether they are yet to be born or have already taken their first steps. May they know the depth of your love that surpasses all understanding. May they feel the warmth of your embrace and the assurance that they are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image.

Adoption prayers for joy

The journey is what you make of it.  It can be a beautiful time of preparation, hope, and joy.  Even it’s filled with anxiety and fear, God longs to be your delight. Let him fill you with the one true joy that comes only from him, as you let him prepare your heart for the biggest blessing ever.  Trust that he will replace the anguish and longing for a child, with joy and laughter as you are united with your forever child.

“He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” Job 8:21

Heavenly Father,

In the midst of this journey toward adoption, we turn our hearts to you, seeking the joy that comes from knowing you and trusting in your plans. Your Word in Job 8:21 declares, “He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.”

Lord, as we navigate the path of adoption, we ask for an outpouring of your joy to fill our hearts. In moments of uncertainty and waiting, may laughter bubble up from the depths of our souls, and may our lips resound with shouts of joy, for we trust in your perfect timing.

Adoption prayers for thanksgiving

Be thankful for every step of the journey.  Write down the events and hide these precious moments in your heart.  You will want to remember these details to share with your child when they are older.  Most importantly, thank God for hearing your plea for a child, and bestowing on you the great privilege of loving and shepherding a baby through life.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise, give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4

Lord, we thank you for the gift of this adoption journey, a path that is filled with challenges and joys, uncertainties and hopes. We recognize that every step is ordained by your hand, and we enter into this process with hearts overflowing with gratitude.

Thank you, Father, for the opportunity to open our hearts and homes to a child in need. We are grateful for the love and support that surrounds us, for the professionals and birth parents who play crucial roles in this journey, and for the countless blessings that unfold along the way.

As we navigate the waiting and the unknown, help us to maintain a posture of thanksgiving. May gratitude be our guide, leading us to praise your name in all circumstances. Let every moment of uncertainty be an opportunity to express our trust in your sovereign plan. 

Are you in the midst of the adoption process? How can I pray for you?

Have you adopted?  What were your specific prayers on your journey?

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  1. What a valuable resource you’ve provided, Sarah Ann! I’ll be sharing this with my Facebook friends :).

  2. I’ve tried reaching you via email, but your little icon led me to an inactive email address. Please email me at [email protected] :). I have a guest posting proposal for you.

    1. Oohh, I will have to check it out! I’ll send you an email! 🙂

    1. Angie,

      I am so glad you found me! I stopped by Bloglovin’ and am now following you back!

  3. Thank you for this, Sarah, I’ve forwarded it to a friend who is in the process… have a blessed week!

    1. June,

      Thanks for passing this on and I will be thinking of your friend in her adoption. Stop by and let me know how everything goes.

  4. Beautiful prayers! They brought back so many beautiful memories from our own adoption story. Thank you Sarah Ann!

  5. What great verses and I love that you included a prayer for the birth parents. Glad I found you on SITS today!

    1. I’m so glad we could connect via SITS! Thanks for the sweet words of encouragement!

  6. Hi Sarah Ann,
    We are waiting for our niece… We’re in a battle with her foster family and have just completed the home study and paperwork. We are simply waiting now for a judge to make a decision; and my heart is aching with uncertainty and fear. I pray daily for the child, her foster family, the judge and our little family, but the more the merrier, I always say! If you could find the time to pray for God’s will and the judge to consider all aspects, we would really appreciate the good word.
    God Bless,

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with me! I will be praying for your journey and know the wait can be long, but God is faithful!

  7. Thank you for this post! I read & prayed through it all.
    My husband & I are awaiting to see what’s next for our little boy. We’re praying for placement with us soon and that the adoption process will be as smooth as it possibly can be.
    All of the feelings above are completely true & it’s the scariest thing we’ve ever done. We know God won’t leave us at any point in this ordeal. If you could say a prayer that Ryan (Coop) will be our forever child very soon, I would truly appreciate it. God bless! <3

    1. Sarah Ann says:

      I’m praying for you, Chassity! i know exactly how you are feeling and I look forward to hearing how your God unites your forever family!

  8. I can’t tell you how thankful I am for this post! After two years of God trying to get me to be open to adoption I’ve finally said yes and the peace and excitement I have is overwhelming! I immediately knew I had to get a prayer plan formed but my mind was so overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions and excitement I couldn’t put them in any kind of order. I’m just starting this journey so I’d appreciate prayers and any advice. I’ll be browsing your page for more. 😊❤️

    1. Sarah Ann says:

      Jamie, I know exactly how you feel. Adoption is such a journey of the heart and one where God guides a rocky path. I’ll be praying for your journey!

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