Virtuous Woman in the Bible: Free Bible Reading Plan, picture of Bible reading plan on a circle placemat

Virtuous Woman in the Bible: What Does Proverbs 31:10-31 Say

In the thousands of years since the famous words about the virtuous woman were penned in Proverbs, women have wished to be like her. But what does it actually mean to be a virtuous woman in the Bible? Let’s dive deep into Proverbs 31 and learn what these virtuous woman Bible verses mean for you today.

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What is a Virtuous Woman in the Bible?

The book of Proverbs is packed with general wisdom that is useful for everyone. But in chapter thirty-one, the tone changes.

It appears to be a mother’s advice to her dear son. The chapter opens with “The words of King Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.”

Lemuel is likely another name for King Solomon, making the author of these words Bathsheba. She could see the mistakes that she made in her life that led to death and destruction.

It seems that she hoped to prevent her son from making similar mistakes.

From her wisdom, we receive instruction for how to be a virtuous wife and a worthy woman.

In the Bible, the word “virtuous” encompasses many different qualities. A virtuous woman displays integrity, strength, and godliness.

She doesn’t follow the ways of the world. Instead, she has full confidence in who she is in God’s sight.

Yes, this chapter was written thousands of years ago, and the excellent wife is fictional.

But it still applies to you today. Even though you probably aren’t weaving your family’s clothes by lamplight, or making deals in the marketplace, you can still live as a godly woman.

Let’s take a closer look at how.


Title- What is a virtuous woman in the Bible? Picture- woman reading with the Bible on her lap

Unpacking Proverbs 31: The Ultimate Virtuous Woman

The Proverbs 31 woman is the ultimate example of Biblical womanhood. And while her example may feel daunting, we shouldn’t fret if we feel like we don’t measure up.

Through the blood of Jesus, we have grace that covers all our missteps. We can move forward from shame and guilt, as we invite the Lord to help us grow in godly character.

Let’s break down this powerful passage and learn how you and I can become an excellent woman who honors God in our daily lives.

She is Valuable

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10

A virtuous woman is hard to find. She is like a precious jewel–and you don’t find women who strive to live with godly integrity often in this modern culture.

In Proverbs 31, we read about a woman who follows the principles of God’s Word, honors her husband, and takes care of her family and household. A woman like this is more valuable than precious stones.

As you read these qualities of her strong character, you’ll understand why!

She is Trustworthy

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:11-12

According to this chapter, a virtuous woman can be trusted. The heart of her husband trusts her wholeheartedly in all situations.

With the Lord as her guide, she cultivates faithfulness, integrity, and love within the marriage.

By aligning your actions and heart with God’s word, you can reflect the trust this godly character  in your own marriage.

She is Diligent

She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants’ ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. Proverbs 31:13-16

Do you see all of the action words in these verses? She seeks, works, rises, gives, considers, buys, and plants.

A truly virtuous woman is a hard worker. Verse 27 says that she does not eat the bread of idleness. This virtuous woman knows that how she plans her life and days matter.

She diligently uses her time wisely and strives to live with intention to make her minutes matter.

She is a Capable Wife

She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Proverbs 31:21-22

The woman written about in this chapter is prudent, always looking ahead to taking care of her home and family. She has no fear of the future because she does her best to prepare for whatever happens.

woman reading Bible verses of hope on the dock at sunrise

She is Generous

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. Proverbs 31:20

Being generous is about far more than giving money. This verse about generous giving doesn’t mention money at all.

She practices generosity by giving her time and talents. A virtuous woman is ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.

Does she give money? Sure, if she can. But she can offer the love of God, and that’s far more important than dollars and cents.

She is Wise

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; Proverbs 31:26

The book of Proverbs is packed with tidbits of wisdom. A truly good wife and wise woman does her best to learn the lessons on those pages.

The Word of God tells her all she needs to know about being a faithful woman and a prudent wife. The virtuous woman in the Bible knows God alone is her source of wisdom and she doesn’t have to be strong on her own.

God will faithfully guide her steps and supply her with wisdom when she asks him.

She is Kind

…And in her tongue is the law of kindness. Proverbs 31:26

The virtuous woman in the Bible (and in our modern age, too!) speaks and acts kindly to all she encounters.

Her words are kind, but her actions are, too. As you read the verses in this chapter, you can see that she is always helping and serving others.

She looks for an opportunity to spread the joy of the Lord to those she meets through kindness and encouragement.

She Fears the Lord

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Physical beauty comes and goes, and it’s ever-changing. Don’t believe me? Look at the pictures in your high school yearbook. The things you thought were beautiful then, are woefully out of style now!

Unfading beauty is much more than braiding of hair or wearing gold jewelry. It comes from having a strong faith in God and living it out daily.

A woman who loves the Lord radiates the joy of Jesus, which is more beautiful than the latest fashion trend.

She is Praiseworthy

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:28, 31

The woman in Proverbs 31 isn’t searching for words of praise. But those around her recognize all that she does and sees her diligence in her work.

Her children and husband are grateful for the sacrifices she makes. The words, “You reap what you sow,” are true in her life.

She does her best to sow seeds of good works with willing hands and a quiet spirit. In time, she will reap rewards for her faithful service.

More Examples of Virtuous Women in the Bible

While Proverbs 31 is a prominent example of a virtuous woman in the Bible, she’s not the only example of a godly woman. The Bible is full of stories of noble, virtuous women who show us Biblical character qualities.

Ruth: A Woman of Noble Character

Ruth was not born into an Israelite family. According to their law, she was a heathen.

But her faith and loyalty show us that she was a virtuous woman. She displayed kindness, diligence, and generosity by taking care of her mother-in-law.

Eventually, her actions led her to become the great-grandmother of King David, putting her directly into the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Read more of Ruth’s story in the Book of Ruth.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus: A Picture of Humility and Obedience

When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, she didn’t run away in fear. (Let’s face it, most of us probably would have!)

Instead, she responded, “Be it unto me according to thy will.” She humbly submitted herself to God and allowed Him to use her.

Not only did she accept the blessing and responsibility of being the mother of Jesus, she gave up her life and followed Him during His earthly ministry.

From the manger to the grave, she followed her Son. Her humility, obedience, and deep faith illustrate that she is truly a virtuous woman.

Esther: An Example of Bravery

One of the most beautiful stories in the Old Testament is that of Esther. This beautiful orphan was a valiant woman who stood up for her people, knowing it could cost her life.

Proverbs 31:8 says, “Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.”

This verse encourages all of us to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. Queen Esther lived this verse when she went before the king to beg him to save the Jewish people.

Even More Virtuous Women in the Bible

While these are some of the most notable virtuous women in the Bible, they aren’t the only ones.


We can’t forget Abigail, whose wisdom saved the life of her evil husband, Nabal. When David and his men were running from King Saul, Nabal refused to offer them provisions in exchange for their kindness to him.

David was ready to fight with Nabal. But Abigail’s quick thinking and generosity saved them.


Deborah was a woman of valor, who spoke the Word of God when no man would do it. She prophesied that the Israelites would fight the battle against the Canaanites and win.

Her prophecy was fulfilled when Sisera, general of the Canaanite army, was killed by a woman with a tent peg and hammer!


In the book of Samuel, we read the story of Hannah. Her one desire was for a child, but she was barren. She begged God to give her a child, and then gave him back to God to serve in the temple. Each of these women serves as an example of virtue lived out in everyday life.

Your Next Steps to Living as a Virtuous Woman

As you read these stories of virtuous women in the Bible, it can feel impossible to live up to at times.

Here are a few ways you can pursue a virtuous life right now in your modern life.

Study and Apply the Virtuous Woman Bible Verses

God’s Word contains all the wisdom you need to live a virtuous life that pleases Him. While Proverbs 31 is a faithful instruction for young women who want to honor God, scripture is filled with powerful truths about living with virtue.

Use this free Bible reading plan about the Virtuous Woman to gain insight into the lives of godly women. Their lives offer biblical examples of following God’s plan and pursuing the Lord, even in times of hardship.

Virtuous Woman in the Bible: Free Bible Reading Plan, picture of Bible reading plan on a circle placemat

Pray and Ask God for Help

It’s hard to imagine, but the Lord God of Heaven cares intimately about you. If you have a desire to grow your faith and live for Him, He will help you. You only need to ask Him.

As you read and study the Bible, you may see areas in your Christian life where you are lacking. Seek His wisdom to help you grow and change to become more like Him.

Make morning prayer time a staple in your day and seek the Lord as your day unfolds. Although when that doesn’t happen, pausing to pray at any moment will fuel your relationship with God.

Join our YouTube prayer and Bible study community to help you pray bold, war room prayers in your own life!

Connect with Other Women of Faith

God made us to need each other and to spur each other on in our Christian walk. You don’t have to pursue a virtuous life on your own.

Seek out other women in a community who will encourage you on your journey. Find a mentor or join a Bible study. Gather with others–physically or virtually–and speak life into one another as you work to honor God with your life.

Continue Your Journey

There’s no end to this path of faith you’re on. You will never wake up one day and realize you are the perfect, virtuous woman.

We need the grace of Jesus to meet us in our shortcomings and to help us start again in His name.

Please know, the journey towards living as a virtuous woman in the Bible isn’t about perfection. It’s about redemption in Christ and relying on God to refine the rough place in our character.

However, you can work to emulate the virtuous women that you read about and study in Proverbs 31. Follow her example, as well as those set by women like Esther, Mary, and Ruth.

Allow God’s Word to transform you to be more like Christ as you become a virtuous woman who shines the love of Jesus to a lost and broken world.

Follow the Grace & Growth: Becoming a Virtuous Woman Series

Together we’ll explore the godly character traits of a virtuous woman and discuss practical ways to implement this in our life.

Insightful Bible Verses on Wisdom and Knowledge

Bible Verses on Honesty and Integrity: What Does God Say 

Diligent in the Bible: Best Bible Verses on Diligence

Faith Bible Verses KJV: What Does Hebrews 11:1 Say?

Qualities of a Good Steward: Godly Stewardship in the Bible

Coming soon

Seeks the Lord




Knows Her Boundaries

Strong in Christ

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