3 Ways to Renew Your Mind with Biblical Truths

I was knee deep in laundry and trying to ignore a crying child when the weightiness of my responsibilities hit me hard.  Truthfully, my spirit was weary and worn, and I was desperate to renew my mind with biblical truths.

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Yet I knew that anchoring my soul to God’s promises would fuel me with me the strength I needed to press on.

You see, we are very much a world in need of the unfailing hope of God. We are a world battling an unseen enemy who is vying for our hearts and clamoring for our souls.

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Romans 10:10

The enemy longs for us to stray from God, live distracted from God’s commands, and to surrender to discouragement.

Yet there is hope! We CAN live the abundant, full life that God has planned for us.

While it won’t be devoid of heartache this side of heaven, we can “take heart because God has already overcome the world!” (John 16:33)

In the meantime, a girl needs some practical ways to stand firm on God’s promises when we face struggles, temptation, and just plain overwhelm.


Title- How to Renew Your Mind with Biblical Truths Picture- woman in a field


3 Ways to Renew Your Mind with Biblical Truths When Life is Hard

Saturate your mind with Scripture 

Now I know what you’re thinking. Bible study is a “cookie-cutter, church answer” for how to keep your mind set on biblical truths.

Yet Scripture was created by God for His children to know His heart, to stay connected to Him, and as instruction for how to have an abundant life.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” 2 Timothy 3:16

Since we know Scripture is a road map for how to experience living hope, it’s crucial that we meditate on it and surround our mind with His truth.

God created His Word as the ultimate life’s instruction book and we are to “meditate on it day and night.” (Joshua 1:8)

Our goal isn’t to read a few verses and then close the Bible and not think about Scripture again.

It should be our mission to meditate on Scripture by choosing a few verses to think and pray through as our day unfolds.

This act of true Scripture meditation is where the renewal of our mind begins. Friend, this is how God’s Word invades our thought pattern, attitude, and reaction to our circumstances.

True transformation begins when we marinate in God’s truth and let it flood our souls over and over again.

The more we read and meditate on Scripture (yes, even as a beginner!), the more God refines our character and molds us in His image. Without replenishing your old thoughts with truth, renewing your mind isn’t possible!

woman praying on the bed

Pray bold, war room prayers

It’s the same way with prayer. When we casually toss up a prayer and quickly check it off our to-do list, it does nothing for our spiritual growth or connection with God.

Yet when we lay down all of our self: our hopes, dreams, disappointments, failures, and expectations to the foot of the cross, that’s where we begin to have a healthy fellowship with our Creator.

When we show up believing that God is who he says He is and that He still works miracles on behalf of His children, that’s where true revival and soul change happens.

It’s on our knees (sometimes literally!) pouring out our soul with powerful, war room prayers, where our mindset begins to change.

Plus, it’s in those quiet moments with God where we learn to listen for His whisper and press into Him for peace, hope, and security.

Distinguish biblical truth from worldly lies

How do we start distinguishing God’s truth and standing firm in what is right?

In order to really decipher what is truth and live free, we have to know Scripture and surround our mind with it.

To really know truth, we need to:

1) Memorize God’s Word– the most powerful way to combat lies, whether we’re facing temptation or need to decipher what God’s Word actually says, is to memorize Scripture.

Matthew 4 reminds us that Jesus was led into the wilderness and fasted for 40 days and nights. Then, when He was weary and famished, the evil one came lurking and tried to cause Him to stumble.

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ Matthew 4: 1-4

The evil one is on the prowl for YOU and is searching for ways to make you stumble and cause you to stray.

Memorizing Scripture (yes, YOU CAN!) is the perfect way to slay temptation and to distinguish between lies and truth.

2) Keep Scripture close by. While it’s not always convenient to carry a stack of Scripture cards with you wherever you go, you more than likely have your phone within reach.

Consider adding a Scripture screensaver, like the ones in the Renew Your Mind Toolkit, and meditate on that verse every time you open your phone. It’s a great way to keep Scripture front and center of your mind.

Practical Ways to Renew Your Mind During the Day

Are you wondering how to make this a reality in your day?

Here’s several practical ways stay connected to God throughout the day.

  1. Start your day reading God’s Word. Use a Bible reading plan to keep you on track and focused.
  2. Keep showing up to meet with God even if you don’t feel Him. He WILL meet you there, even if He feels far away or you don’t understand what you read.
  3. Have a way to “dissect” what you read in Scripture. I LOVE to use Bible study templates that I fill in to help me understand a verse or passage of Scripture.
  4. Choose a “theme” verse for the week or month to read throughout the day. Place it in a prominent place (your planner, your car, on the bathroom mirror) and think through its meaning during the day and week. Meditate on this truth as a way to focus your mind on biblical principles in stressful moments.
  5. Use God’s Word as a sword in tempting moments and quote Scripture (even if not perfectly) as a way to slay temptation.
  6. Pause and pray in stressful moments. Start meditating on God’s truth as you face irritation, anger, and messy emotions. Pray for God to give you self-control and fight emotions with the power of prayer.
  7. Pray for others who pop into your social media feed or as they send you a text.

These practical tips can help you renew your mind with God’s truth and fill your soul with His Word. Over time, watch how these simple tricks help you grow in faith and stay connected with God.

The SIMPLE way to root your heart in biblical truth

I know what it’s like to want to dive into a new habit… NOW and take the easy way to make it happen!

That’s why I’ve gathered all my favorite tips and resources to renewing your mind in one easy place:

The Renew Your Mind Toolkit

It’s my prayer that these spiritual growth resources will train your mind to seek God throughout the day and help you combat the enemy one prayer at a time.

Plus, this spiritual growth resource is a practical way to take the guesswork out of renewing your mind and will teach you the gift of meditating on Scripture.

It’s designed to implement immediately and to make this new habit of renewing your mind fit seamlessly into your busy life. (Something made simple? Yes, please!)

It’s perfect for the woman who wants to:

  • Revive (or start!) her quiet time routine
  • Implement practical strategies to keep her heart and mind rooted in God’s strength
  • Conquer fear, temptation, overwhelm (and more!) with God’s Word
  • Keep biblical truth as the cornerstone of her life
  • Trust God in all areas of her (even in the messy moments!)

Come see how it can anchor your soul to hope and experience the freedom of a deep and meaningful relationship with Christ!

Learn more about the Renew Your Mind in Christ Toolkit

How do you renew your mind in Christ and stay connected to Him?

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