How Renew Your Mind and Spirit When You’re Weary to the Core
Do you wonder how to renew your mind when you’re weary and worn? Explore what it means to renew your mind with biblical truths and how to stand firm on God’s promises when you’re weary to the core.
Can you relate to being weary?
It was a busy season of life and I was spread thin. I was worn weary from juggling life’s responsibilities and making sure everyone had their needs met. (Yet, NONE of my needs were met and I was running on empty!)
Breathless, I rushed into church one Sunday morning with more emphasis on the perfect outfit than the condition of my heart. I felt hollow as the worship music played and I battled exhaustion and discontent.
Desperate for hope and longing for peace, I knew there were things that had to change. While I knew that I couldn’t have more than the allotted 24 hours in a day, I also knew I couldn’t keep up the same exhausting pace.
Something had to change.
How to Renew Your Mind When You’re Weary
Make time with God a priority
When life is hectic and busy, it may be easy to let your time with God fall by the wayside. Yet there’s nothing more comforting than finding peace nestled in the pages of God’s Word.
Carving out time to meet with God each day is exactly what your weary soul needs to get back on track. But sometimes making your quiet time a priority seems impossible, right?
Over the years I’ve discovered that knowing when you will have a quiet time and what you will study reduces the chance you’ll do away with your daily routine.
Be honest with yourself and also evaluate how much time you have to dedicate to connecting with God each day. (It’s ok if you start off with only 10 minutes! He’ll meet you there!)
Then, set a date with Him each day and show up ready to listen and bask in His presence.
Do you want to make your quiet time simple and practical? Get a free Bible reading plan delivered to your inbox to help you grow in faith.
Renew your mind in God’s promises
When I find myself spread thin and in need of revival, nothing satisfies my soul more than soaking in God’s promises.
When we’re drowning in responsibilities, it’s easy to forget the powerful promises made in God’s Word.
And it’s easy to forget that our overwhelm is temporary and fleeting.
Renewing your mind with the promises of the cross will refocus your heart and adjust your attitude in just a few minutes a day. When we’re reminded of the sacrificial love of the Lord, it’s hard to keep our martyr attitudes!
Personally, I use the Renewing Your Mind Toolkit as a practical way to meet with God and soak your heart in biblical truths.
This practical and simple resource has made it easy for me to meet with God arms me with the tools I need to stay connected with God throughout the day (including my favorite Biblical Affirmation Cards and rose-gold phone screensavers!)
There’s nothing that satisfies the longing of the heart like God’s promises and renewing your mind with truth! It’s truly a balm to the soul!
If you’re ready to lay down your weariness and explore the promises of God, discover how the Renewing Your Mind Toolkit, can make the journey to soul satisfaction simple and practical.
I’ve noticed that when I am truly worn, I tend to scroll through social media more than usual. (Why is that?!) Yet surfing my Facebook feed is not relaxing and hardly ever encouraging!
By taking time to unplug from the madness of social media, one can begin to truly unwind and mentally relax. I’ve even taken it a step further and deleted many distracting apps from my phone. It’s been a blessing to not worry about the distraction of social media on my phone! (And I’m SO much more productive, too!)
Reevaluate your schedule
When I’m feeling pressed in and that I’m juggling 1,000 tasks, I evaluate my priorities. The following questions help me process my schedule and responsibilities.
- What are my top 3 priorities today? (Think which tasks are a MUST for you to accomplish today)
- Can I let go of any of these tasks and either cancel them or reschedule them for another time?
- What will happen if I don’t do _______? (Sometimes I make more work for myself than necessary!)
These questions have helped me sort through “schedule overwhelm” and help me process what responsibilities are truly necessary.
Make self-care a priority
As I battle to reclaim my weary spirit, I often find that I’ve neglected my own self-care. Whether I’ve stopped exercising or simply haven’t made time to do things I enjoy, it may be time to make myself a priority again. Then, I try to plan time to do something that fuels my soul and gives me energy.
Whether you’ve been weary for a few days or are in a perpetual state of overwhelm, there is hope! Take a few minutes to pray through the areas you need to make a priority and have the courage to take intentional steps towards healing every day. You can do it!
Are you ready to renew your mind in a practical way?
Whether you’ve been weary for a few days or are in a perpetual state of overwhelm, the best way to revive your weary soul is at the foot of the cross.
Let the Renew Your Mind Toolkit point you to biblical truth and remind you that you’re not alone! God has a plan for you, and when you seek His face, He will meet you there.
Discover how to stay connected to God’s Truth (even in the chaos of life!)