I'm thrilled you've joined the Proverbs 31 Mentor Community! (formerly Faith Along the Way)

Here we're passionate about

"Equipping Women to Honor God in Family, Health, and Home".

We're a group of women ready to live on purpose and honor God in everyday life.  Yet, we also know that life is messy (dare we say chaotic!), and that we need both biblical wisdom and practical lifestyle tips to help us thrive.

Let's get to know each other and stay in touch!

Oh, how I wish I could invite you for coffee!  I'm not one for small talk, but love authentic conversations where we bare our souls, struggles, and secrets.  

Click here to find out what makes me tick and how God has redeemed my messy, imperfect life!

I'd love to connect with you on social media, too! You can expect tips to help you grow in faith, manage your home and family, and nurture your own health. 

Be sure to let me know you are in the Proverbs 31 Mentor community so I can put a name with a face!

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