Secrets to Hosting an Epic Family Game Night
As a child, many of my memories with my parents and siblings involved family game night. Fondly, I remember how those times of laughter and love seemed to cement our bond that even the storms of life could not break.
If you have regular family game nights, you know exactly how precious those moments can be. But has your night of fun gotten boring and stale? Here’s a few simple secrets to make family game night a memorable event for years to come.
Make theme snacks according to the games you have planned
In our house, snacks on game night are a must, but gathering the crew together to make themed snacks before hand, will make a whole new set of memories.
Kids will love the task of planning and creating delicious snacks to fit the theme of your night.
Check out these mouthwatering ideas for the perfect treat for your next game night.
Bunco Snack Mix (perfect for any dice game!)- Make the Best of Everything
Trivia Pursuit Cheesecake- Taste of Home
Cookie Dominoes- STL Cooks
Checkerboard Sandwiches- My Recipes
Invite another family over to play in teams
There’s nothing like a little healthy competition to bring members of the family together, and playing against another family will promote a spirit of unity as you try to beat family friends.
Borrow games from a friend
Borrowing games is a great way to try out new ones before you invest. It’s a fun way to keep things exciting and interesting, too! (Psst… Games like Pie Face Showdown will keep the whole gang in stitches!)
Have a family Olympics
Creating a family Olympic games is a fun way to vary the games you play on your typical game night. Alternate between board games and physical games, and award recognition for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
You can even keep score and make the Olympics on-going, which gives you the ability to start and stop the games with ease. (And who wouldn’t want to compete for the family trophy?)
Youre #1 Plastic Gold Trophy, by Playscene (5
Make your own game
Making and designing your own game is a fabulous way to unite the family. Together you’ll decide on rules, layouts, game pieces, and more. Imagine the fun you’ll have sharing your creation with friends for years to come!
This post, 10 Ways to Make Your Own Board Game from Kids Activities Blog, is the perfect place to help you get started.
DIY Board Game – Make Your Own Game Board Kit by Lagoon GroupMAKE YOUR OWN BOARD GAME | 20
How often do you have a family game night? Is this something you do on a regular basis? How can you spice it up a bit?