
The One Thing Your Family Needs to Succeed

A few years ago a question popped into my head and has been churning around in it ever since.

“What is the one thing that makes a family successful? ” 

As a mother of 6 children my definition of successful parenting is that all my children are walking with the Lord Jesus as described in Deuteronomy 10:12&13.  As you can imagine much of my daily thoughts are about the family.  I live and breathe it and since my marriage 27 years ago, it has been my passion and ministry.

Several years ago researchers at Life Way surveyed Christians and asked them some tough questions.  The main question was “What are the most pressing issues facing marriage and family today?”  They surveyed more than 2,000 people and came up with the following list.

Family Needs to Succeed


  1. Anti-Christian culture

  2. Divorce

  3. Busyness

  4. Absent father figure

  5. Lack of discipline

  6. Financial pressures

  7. Lack of communication

  8. Negative media influences

  9. Balance of work and family

  10. Materialism

Wow!  That is a pretty accurate list.  I might only add a number eleven…addiction.

The only problem with the Life Way list is that we aren’t actually addressing the root issue.  For the record, it is helpful to have a list of symptoms.  A wonderful starting point on our journey to find out what one thing makes a family successful?   We must start asking the harder questions, which will shine a light onto the real culprit that is currently hidden in the dark.

With the Top 10 List in hand, and my heart in prayer, I began to ask the many hard questions in order to find the real reason behind the crumbling family of the 21st century.  I am thankful for the Internet and wise and wonderfully intelligent theologians.  Interestingly enough, I found the very same answer from many different sources and Christian religious traditions.

Simply put the root cause of the crumbling family unit is Biblical Illiteracy.

Basically, we don’t know what the Bible has to say about marriage and family and we have not taught our children either.

I never thought of that!  Did you?  Take a moment now to contemplate the reality of this problem.

The good news is that we can solve the problem! 

Anyone from any social, economic or family background can make sure their families succeed by doing this one thing…teaching yourself and your children what the Bible has to say about everything!

The One Thing Your Family Needs to Succeed


One Thing Your Family Needs To Succeed…

Knowledge of Scripture

  1. Read the Bible daily and meditate on His word alone and as a family. 

  2. Memorize Scripture as a family.

  3. Live out Deuteronomy 6:4-9 .

As I am praying that we all take steps to ensure we have successful families, I know The Strong Family Project can help!

The FREE printable pack will help families reconnect, make time for each other and make memories having fun.

You can grab your free printable pack here! 


janelleJanelle is the grateful wife of Michael, homeschooling mother of six amazing children and author of the book Chosen: One Family’s Journey With Autism  Please join her at The Peaceful Haven, where you will find inspiration for your home, family and faith!


  1. Beautifully stated! My husband and I were talking about this last night. Our culture is now so completely confused about what is right and what is wrong that we parents have to be super intentional to be in God’s Word ourselves and teaching it to our children, lest we get led astray by what “everyone” around us seems to be believing. Thank you for this encouragement.

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