FAQ About Egg Donation

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As I reminisce about my journey through infertility, I remember a five year battle that few could understand.  At that time, the friendships I held dear were filled with one pregnancy announcement after another.  Those joyful announcements reminded me of my own struggle and my heart ached with longing.

I began to research various ways to conceive.  A short search suggested that the only viable roads to motherhood for those trying to conceive were adoption, fertility treatments and surrogacy. Little did I know that egg donor options were another ray of hope for those on their journey to parenthood.

Without question, I knew I wanted to experience the mystery of carrying a child of my own and adoption was not an option we ready to explore. I was optimistic after an appointment with a fertility specialist that I would be able to conceive with their help. My test results showed no obstacles standing in the way of conception.

If you're wondering options as you battle infertility, learn how egg donation can grow your family

Much to my disappointment, the first IUI did not result in pregnancy.  I grieved this lost opportunity and vowed to come back the next month with adjusted expectations. Yet this next cycle of IUI did not go my way, either.

I was devastated, but two failed treatments were not the end of my path to parenthood.  God had other plans that were bigger than I could imagine.  At the time of my unsuccessful treatments, He was preparing the way for us to become parents through the beauty of adoption. Soon after, our adoption story began to unfold and our five year journey to parenthood came to an end.

While my prayers of motherhood have been fulfilled, I often think of my friends still waiting for their miracle. There are many who long to hold a baby of their own, and egg donation can help.  Those who are unable to conceive naturally can experience the magic of pregnancy and carry a child of their own with this wonderful procedure.

It is growing in popularity and offering hope to couples worldwide on their own infertility journey. Here’s the information I wish I had known about egg donation when making a decision about my own fertility treatments.

What is egg donation?

Egg donation is a wonderful option for women who want the ability to carry and give birth to their child, but would not be able to do so on their own.  Women receive donated eggs, either fresh or frozen, from a selected donor that is carefully screened and represents a diverse population.

How long has the procedure been around?

The U.S. experienced its first live egg donor birth in 1984, although the first pregnancy through this procedure was recorded in 1983 in Australia. The success rate is currently around 60%.

Can egg donation change the future of your family? These FAQ will help you decide!

Who can benefit from this procedure?

Those who struggle with POF, Premature Ovarian Failure, typically have very few options when trying to conceive. Those diagnosed with this condition would be an excellent candidate for egg donation.  This procedure has also helped many women with secondary infertility (infertility after having one or more children) expand their family.

Is egg donation expensive?

One of my favorite resources for egg donation, Donor Egg Bank USA, offers a frozen egg option, which is approximately half the cost of a traditional IVF cycle. Plus, they offer an Assured Refund Plan, which guarantees you will deliver a baby or receive your money back. I love that guarantee!

Where can I learn more?

Since learning more about this option for expanding a family, my favorite resources include:

Resolve.org offers a plethora of advice on infertility, including egg donation.  This will help you explore your options on your infertility journey.

Babymed.com helps women in all stages of trying to conceive, including those exploring egg donation.

Friends, if you’re struggling with infertility or secondary infertility, you owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities of egg donation.  You never know how God could grow your family through this wonderful resource!

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