To the Discouraged & Brokenhearted
To the Discouraged & the Brokenhearted,
Life. It’s filled with miracles, moments of pure bliss, and treasured memories.
Yet among the beauty; there’s pain and amid the sunsets; storms.
Life can be cruel, cutting like a knife, scarring with the deepest of hurts.
Life can threaten to swallow us whole as discouragement fills our souls and brokenness crushes our spirits.
Life can be filled with disappointments, paths not taken or dreams left undone.
Yet life was never meant to be filled with such sorrow and pain.
Life started out perfect, with man and woman walking hand and hand with the Creator, blissfully unaware that life could offer pain and be anything other than the sheer beauty of paradise.
In an instant that perfection was marred forever as sin entered the world.
With sin came the knowledge of evil, pain, suffering, sorrow grief, brokenness, bitterness, anger, and rage. Life was forever changed.
With sin came a vast distance between God and man; one where Heavenly perfection could never fellowship with sinful flesh.
My friend, as you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, and are crushed by a broken spirit and dashed dreams, remember, this was not God’s plan from the start. He wanted you to experience peace, fulfillment, contentment in fellowship with Him alone.
Even though sin robbed you of the chance to talk with Him face to face, He didn’t leave you to bear the burden of this world alone.
He gave you shelter you from the storm.
He gave you a confidant and shoulder to cry on.
He gave you the promise of things yet to come and of a world where there will be no more suffering.
He gave you the joy of peace by basking His presence and allowing Him to quench your thirsty spirit.
He gave you a lighthouse in the blackest of night.
He gave you Jesus.
I know that in a world known to value perfection, wealth, beauty and popularity, that you long to escape your troubles.
I know that at times you feel so desperate and wonder what lies ahead on your journey through life.
I know that you feel devalued, that you’re not enough and that life has passed you by.
But that hope that came to bridge the gap between God and man, that hope that took your place on the cross, with nails through his perfect hands, that hope still exists today.
When you want to give up, cling to Jesus.
When you feel devalued and not enough, remember you’re not enough, but He is.
When you wonder where life is taking you and you long for peace, remember that He didn’t come just to make a way, He IS the way.
He is the way to true peace and true joy.
He is the way to fulfillment and contentment.
He is the way you can get up and face another day.
He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ” Matthew 11:18.
My friend, when you are discouraged and brokenhearted, reach for one the who knows you by name, who knows every thought, knows every hurt, and loves you anyways.
Today is the day to lay down your burdens, your brokenness, and your discouragement at His feet. Faith in Him will give you the courage to fight another battle and live another day, knowing that He who promised is faithful!