5 Comforting Truths for the Woman Waiting on God

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There you are, in the waiting room of life; a place you’d never thought you’d be.  As a child with grand hopes and dreams, you never imagined yourself here, waiting on God and longing for Him to move.

You never dreamed you’d ache for a child and beg for God to fill your empty arms.

You never thought your marriage would be in trouble, and you’d be waiting for God to mend the shambles of your relationship.

You never fathomed that disease would come and wreck havoc on your life.

But here you are, at a crossroads, yet God seems silent.

While you wait for your situation to change and for God to reveal His path, may you cling to the promise that He hasn’t abandoned you.  In fact, God knows your hurt.  He knows your heart, is present in your waiting, and is working in ways you cannot see.


5 Key Truths to Cling to When You’re Waiting on God

God will sustain you

While you wait, cling to God’s promises of hope. He is faithful to sustain His children and provide rest even when the storms rage around you.

As you pray, remember that God is trustworthy and will comfort you in times of pain.  Remember, He lovingly listens to your prayers and hears your pleas for help.

Press into Him in weak moments and pray Scripture to arm you with strength on the hard days. Cling to the promise that God journeys with you and will never forsake you, His precious child.

Trust God has a plan

Trust that God has a plan. He hasn’t left you fumbling on your own to figure things out, but has given you the ultimate instruction book to life, the Bible.

Open the pages of Scripture and let those precious promises be balm to your soul. Take this time to learn more about God’s character and how He’s been faithfully providing for His children since the beginning of time.

He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. Deuteronomy 32:4

Rejoice in God’s faithfulness and wisdom

Even in the waiting, it’s crucial to recognize God’s blessings. Joy is found in remembering God’s faithfulness and rejoicing in His unwavering presence.

Use this season of waiting to revisit your blessings and reflect on God’s provision. Even in the darkness, there’s always something to be grateful for- God is who He says He is.

Consider thanking Him for the myriad of ways He’s moved in the past and for His steadfast character. It’s there in the reflecting and remembering, where we replace our weary spirit with the strength of the Lord.

Keep serving

In seasons of hardship, it’s important to recognize that you’re not the only one who hurts and waits, even if that’s tough to process. Use your time of waiting to comfort those in need and lend a helping hand.

Find beauty in serving others and rolling up your sleeves to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Plus, this changes your perspective and keeps your mind from being consumed by your own troubles.

Take heed, becoming self-absorbed and focusing too much on your own circumstances can be tempting, but dangerous. It allows bitterness to take root and cuts off fellowship with both man and God.

So don’t hesitate to serve and welcome the distraction as you shine the love of Jesus to someone else.

Renew your mind

As you wait, it’s crucial to renew your mind with truth and stay anchored to Scripture. Renewing your mind keeps doubt, worry, and fear from taking root in your soul.

Start your day in God’s Word and surround yourself with Scripture as the day unfolds.

Then, consider:

  • Putting Bible verses on post-it notes in your car, on your mirror, and in your planner
  • Displaying Scripture art prints on the walls of your home to point you to truth
  • Using prayer cards to remind you to pray and keep your heart rooted in God’s promises

Being grounded in truth will allow you to view the situation as objectively as possible, as you trust God for each step of your journey.


Once the wait is over… praise the Lord

The waiting will not last forever, even if it seems like an eternity.  When your answer is revealed, and you see what God has planned, remember that in all situations, regardless of the outcome, that He deserves your praise.

When He gives you the desires of your heart, worship with shouts of joy and commit to remembering His faithfulness.

Or if His plan is not what you had planned, praise Him anyway and accept that He isn’t finished yet.

When His answer is painful and all seems wrong with the world, don’t shut Him out or stop believing that He is good. Remember, He suffered too.

He suffered the ultimate death because of His selfless love for you. God loves you to the end of earth, even in your most painful of moments.

So if you’re waiting on God to move, cling tight to His hope. Believe that God’s glory will radiate through the darkest of nights.

He who was faithful to demonstrate His love in death, will hold your hand as you wait for His next step in life.

Are you patient as you wait on God to move?  How can we pray for you as you wait for God to reveal His path to you?

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