
Stay with Me

Will you please stay with me?

I have lived much of my life alone.

I have been left behind more times than I can count.

I am scared that you will leave me too.

Have you ever felt this way? I know I have. Many times!

We were created to live in relationship; with our God, and with our fellow man.

When we find ourselves alone in this life, it is one of the most helpless & hopeless places we will ever be.

ALONE. Nobody wants to be alone!

girl walking along the road in a field alone

My name is Sarah and write about living a healthy life over at Grounded & Surrounded. I am fiercely in love with my Creator and I owe all that I am to Him. I am passionate about gardening, committed to winning my battle with fibromyalgia and spend far too much time with my little flock of chickens. I have enjoyed reading about Sarah Ann’s love for Jesus, and am excited to share a bit of my faith story with you.

A little bit about me.

Getting people to stay has always been a challenge for me.

Although I have spent hours pondering over failed relationships and friendships that have occurred throughout my life, I have never truly understand why certain people chose to leave.

I know that I am far from perfect, but I love fiercely and I would do anything for the people I love.

Why would anybody choose to walk away from that?

I have known two things from a very early age: God loves me & my parents love me.

These were FACTS in my life. I have never doubted them.

Because of this, I never felt unlovable when rejection came. I just felt confused.

Do you ever feel unlovable?

I know many people who do feel unlovable.

Individuals who have been told they are not good enough to be loved by anybody.

My life has been full of challenges, but never that one.

My heart literally breaks at the thought of it.

I could not have survived the rejection I have faced if I did not know that someone still loved me.

Why is life full of so much pain and rejection?

Don’t get me wrong, life is beautiful, and amazing, and totally worth living!

But today, I want to talk about the low points, the lonely times, the hopeless feelings.


We have all been hurt, we have all felt lonely, and we have all experienced the devastation of a failed relationship.

Who do you turn to when you are all alone?

As a young child, I was told that God loved me.

I was told that he loved me so much, that he sacrificed his own son Jesus so that he could have a relationship with me.

Because all of the people I trusted in this world believed in God, so did I.

I attended church, I learned the Bible stories, and I followed the rules.

Believing in God made me feel safe, and I had no reason to doubt or question the people who introduced me to God.

During my teen years, life got more challenging.

I struggled to find friendships, and the ones I invested the most into seemed to vanish before my eyes.

I felt alone for the first time in my life. I HATED IT!


God Will Never Leave Me Alone


But then I remembered all of the Bible stories I had been taught.

The “I will never leave nor forsake you,” and “If God is for us, who can be against us,” and “Surely I am with you always.”

If these statements from the Bible are true, then I am never completely alone.

When I am rejected, I always have a safe place to go. God will never reject me.

Do you believe God loves you?

Some people doubt the statements written in the Bible, they doubt if God really exists, and if He really loves them.

Some people have never been told about the love of God.

And others have chosen to live a life without God.

I don’t know where you stand with God, but I encourage you to figure it out.

Find someone to talk with about Him, figure out who He really is, and what that means to you.

If you don’t know anybody who knows God, then talk with me or Sarah Ann about it.


What is holding your life together?

I choose to believe that God is who he says he is, and I choose to believe that I am loved in spite of my many shortcomings.

And God has proven himself to be faithful time and time again in my life.

Every time I felt alone, I turned to Him, and He was always there for me.

People will leave me, people will hurt me, people will let me down…but God will never leave me alone.

This truth is the glue that holds my life together.

If you are living your life alone, without God, then you are eventually going to fall apart at the seams.

When that happens, because I guarantee that it will, I hope you remember this article.

Stay With Me Pinnable

I hope you choose God. He will never leave you; he will hold you together when you feel like falling apart. You will never be ALONE again.

Sarah Koontz is a stay-at-home wife & mother of 2 beautiful little girls. She is passionate about      writing, and loves sharing her advice and experiences with anyone who will listen. She has a blog with her best friend Sammi at Grounded & Surrounded where they write about all things Healthy!  Heart, Home, & Habits. You can find Sarah on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.



  1. Great post. I know…so closely to my heart the pain of rejection and deep pain from those close to me. The only way I have climbed out of this whole is by clinging to God. God is enough for me. 🙂

    1. My heart truly breaks for people that have to go through this sort of thing without a relationship with the Lord. I love that as Christians we have hope in spite of the pain!

    2. I understand, Starla! I am no stranger to rejection myself and once you realize Who completes you and validates you, it’s easy to focus on that rejection. But He takes the sting out of loneliness and wraps us in His love. 🙂

    3. I understand! Once we let it sink in just how much He loves us, it validates us and makes us feel complete in Him alone!

  2. Thank you for this beautiful reminder! So true and so encouraging.

  3. This is so encouraging! I definitely needed this today! Sometimes life gets you down, but God will always lift us up. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Absolutely! There are days I truly feel beaten down by life, but once I remember who holds my heart in His hands, there is peace.

    2. Yes He does! I’m so thankful for His mighty presence in my life!

    1. Thank you for pinning! Her heart is amazing and I just knew other women could relate! Blessings!

    2. Yes, it is so encouraging! It’s a blessing to hear vulnerability from another woman and it makes me realize I’m not alone.

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