Meet the Family

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   Meet Hubs

Considering we met and married within a year, he MUST be amazing!  Not only is he still my Prince Charming after a decade of marital bliss (or something like that), but he is one of the most diligent people I have ever met.  Working full time to bring home the majority of the bacon, he also goes to school as well as helps keep me sane! He loves a good laugh and his light-hearted spirit balances my analyzing nature perfectly.  I’m not the only who is over-the-moon for Hubs!  He is cherished by his kids and more than a few tears have been shed in his absence.  I am blessed to call him husband and treasure those precious moments we can steal alone together, even if they are sporadic!

Two years into our married life, not long after we were no longer considered newlyweds, Hubs found a lump which turned out to be cancerous.  Doctors recommended radiation and we were told that with that treatment, it should not come back.  In fact, the radiologist mentioned that in his thirty year career, he had never had a re-occurring case. We breathed a sigh of relief and went on with our lives, changed, but not too scared.  A year and a half-later, a new lump was found and once again, we were told it was probably not his cancer returning. Yet it was.  Currently he has been in remission for over six years!! We praise the Lord, yes, for the healing, but also for the strength, courage and determination while walking through that storm and just because of who He is, our mighty God who saved us!

My verse for Hubs: “But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” Jeremiah 17:7
   Meet Joy

Joy is my miracle and complete surprise gift from God!  Through the anguish of infertility, I thought the door to parenthood had closed completely for me and Hubs.  Just as I had come to terms with being childless, God worked the most amazing miracle I have seen and orchestrated Joy becoming our “Forever Child”!  We held her in our arms when she was an hour old and have been together ever since.  She stole our hearts instantly and our lives were forever changed as we became parents from the first time.  Around six months old, we noticed that Joy was lagging in some developmental milestones.  While she eventually completed each milestone, the time that it took her to catch on compared to her peers was a red flag that kept nagging at me, the former Special Education Teacher.  Fast forward a few years and evaluations later to August 2013,  the time when Joy was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  Since her diagnosis, we have seen great strides with her overall communication, interaction and academic abilities with the implementation of various therapies, Special Needs Preschool and the switch to a GFCF diet (Gluten Free Casein Free).

There is SO MUCH MORE TO HER than a diagnosis or label!!! She is fun, funny, silly, loving, determined, strong, musical and an overall blessing to parent, even on those days when words are few and her temper flares.  We believe that through her life God’s name will be glorified and know without a shadow of a doubt that He will continue the good work He began in her.

My verse for Joy:
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-15

Meet Bubs

When Joy was first born, obviously we were ecstatic, but I secretly didn’t think our family was complete.  I knew logistically that miracle adoption stories don’t happen every day, but I also knew that my God was BIGGER than ANY situation and if He desired for us to be parents again, it would happen.   God knew the void in our family could be filled by none other than Joy’s BIOLOGICAL brother, Bubs.  Although the road to Bubs was rocky and filled with uncertainty, we prayed bold prayers for his adoption. Eventually, the Lord guided him home to us to complete our family.  The Lord orchestrated yet another miraculous adoption story for us and we couldn’t believe that in 20 months time, we had gone from zero children to two!

Present day, Bubs is my rough and tumble toddler.  He loves anything with wheels, but especially Thomas the Train.  My wild man runs everywhere and climbs everything in sight.  He is SUCH a boy!  Even though he is rough, he has a soft spot for Joy.  When she is still sleeping in the morning, he constantly asks about her and when she is tantruming, he shouts, “Oh no!” Outside of us, he is her number one fan.  It’s almost as if he can sense there are aspects of her that are extra special, yet he loves her wholeheartedly anyways.  I love his heart!

My verse for Bubs: “Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” Psalm 86:11 


These are the prayers I pray for my family, as we seek God’s goodness and faithfulness in the years ahead.

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