woman writing on table with white coffee cup

How to Use a Planner to Grow in Faith and Connect with God

We plan for all types of things in life. From birthday parties to family game nights, planning is a part of life. To make things easier, most of us grab our favorite planners to help keep up with all the things. When it comes to spiritual growth, it too is something worth using the planner for. Perhaps you’re wondering how to use a planner for this area of life. If you’re looking for ideas, keep reading to discover 10 practical planner tips that will jumpstart your spiritual growth in no time!


title reads How to Use a Planner to Grow in Faith and Connect with God picture of woman holding a phone and looking at the Abundant Life Planner

How to Use a Planner to Grow in Faith and Connect with God

Plan when and where to have a quiet time with God

In the hustle and bustle of life, each day may hold a different schedule. Use a planner to take control of your schedule and make a daily date with God. Begin by choosing a time that offers the least distractions. Keep in mind that you don’t have to carve out an entire hour. As a busy mom, setting aside just 15 minutes is a great start towards making your relationship with God a priority.

Keep your Bible study materials together

Organization can help make the most use of the time you are using to have a quiet time with God. Using a planner for Christian women, like the Abundant Life Planner, can help you keep your life and Bible study materials organized in one place.   I love to set my Bible study materials out the night before so I am prepared to maximize my time in His Word. 

Keep track of what you read in the Bible

While you’re used to tracking your life and other important details in your planner, start keeping track of your Scripture reading. Try writing out the key Scripture passage you read that day in your planner.

Then, as the day unfolds, look at that verse and repeat it to yourself over and over again. This simple habit is a great way to renew your mind with God’s truth throughout the day.

I love that this planner for Christian women has a place in my daily planner layout for me to write God’s Word. It’s become an anchor to my soul when the messy moments of life creep in and threaten to consume me whole.

Take notes about what you read in Scripture

As you spend time in God’s Word, jot down ideas about what the passage is about and who it was written to. Take note of God’s commands, and how you can apply this verse to your life. This helps not only with memorization, but also making Scripture a reality in your day to day life. Plus, it helps you understand how God’s Word is woven altogether and part of God’s great design.

Use it as a prayer journal

Write the name of those you’re praying for in each square and spend extra time praying for that person. As you use your planner throughout the day, the person’s name and request will be at the front of your mind. It’s a great way to pray without ceasing and become the prayer warrior you long to be. Plus, when a prayer is answered, you’ll have a tangible reminder how God faithfully answered and worked on behalf of this person.


title 10 Ways to Use a Planner to Jump Start Your Spiritual Growth picture of woman writing on a table with a white coffee cup

Use it as a gratitude journal

One way to stay rooted in God’s joy and celebrate God’s faithfulness, is to keep a record of what you’re thankful for. In moments where you need to feel God’s presence and live His joy, look back at all your many blessings. You may be surprised by how it lifts your spirits and grows your faith. And having your gratitude at your fingertips is the perfect way to find hope and stand firm on the strength of God.

Use it as a bullet journal

Bullet journals offer a unique way to take note of key points in Scripture, the truths God is teaching you, and/or how He’s leading you. Get creative by using a mix of color, drawings, washi tape, and stickers. Try using digital stickers to add some spice and variety to your bullet journal, too.


Use it as a Bible journal

In the margins or note section, doodle the Scripture verse you read today and take decorative notes. Visit websites To get inspiration and ideas for making your picture unique and memorable. Plus, Bible doodling in a planner takes the pressure off that you’ll mess up or ruin your planner. Simply erase and try again!

Use it as a truth journal

When life gets tough, you need to ground yourself in God’s truth. Keep a list of your favorite verses that anchor your soul to God’s promises. Review these truths in tough times and use them as strength when hard times come your way.

Keep track of your favorite Scriptures

One of the best ways to make your relationship with God a priority throughout the day, is to keep God’s Word in front of you. No, you don’t have to carry a copy of your favorite Bible with you, either! Simply keep a list of your favorite Scriptures that bring you comfort, hope, and encouragement in your planner.

This Scripture list will keep you grounded in truth and be a quick reference for when you need to remember God’s promises in a hurry.

Keep in mind that your walk with God is a journey, and growing your faith will take intentional planning. Use these planner tips to get started with a faith-routine that will draw you closer to God than ever before.


The Best Planner for Christian Women

Are you ready to organize your life and grow in faith at the same time? The Abundant Life Planner is the perfect way to help you plan your day with purpose, while staying connected to God’s promises.

It’s both a complete life-management system, as well as a spiritual growth tool to help you stay rooted in God’s promises no matter what comes your way.

Learn more how the Abundant Life Planner can help you live an abundant life in Christ and make room for what matters most.

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