How to Keep Going When Life is Hard
“Yes, the tumor is cancer.”
“I’m afraid we have to let you go.”
“Your daughter’s issues point to one thing- Autism.”
“I want a divorce.”
“It’s time to file for bankruptcy.”
Life is hard and some situations can wound so deep, we wonder if we’ll survive these troubled times. We look at the seasons of sorrow and burden, and wonder why God has removed His presence from us.
If we are honest, it can be a struggle to keep going and to embrace this season of turmoil when times are hard. It’s so tempting to pull the covers over our head and retreat instead of living life to the fullest.
How can we get up each day and put one foot in front of the other when hardships have overtaken and our lives are left forever changed?
Where is the hope for a lost and fallen world filled with heartache and pain?
God is on His throne, majestic as always and still in control of His people. Nothing takes Him by surprise or is too great of a hurt for Him to heal.
While His precious name brings comfort for the hurting and joy to the mourning, what does this look like in everyday life as we try to navigate this season of hardship?
Seek the Lord
When the storms of life wreck havoc on life as you know it, it may be tempting to close yourself off to God and to get angry at the trials that have come your way. Seek God anyway.
When you’re broken and devastated, seek God anyway.
When the darkness has overtaken and you’re overcome by grief, seek God anyway.
When you feel hopeless and discouraged, questioning which way to choose, seek God anyway.
When you’re filled with fear and anxiety is great, seek God anyway.
No pain is too great or burden too big that the King of Kings can’t handle. Lay your worries, your heartache, and your pain at His feet, trusting Him with the broken pieces of your life. He can handle it.
He promises that when we seek His guidance and ask for direction, He is faithful to provide.
“I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.” Joshua 1:3
Friend, no matter how great the need or heavy your heart, you are never alone. The King of Kings doesn’t just walk with you on your journey and struggle, He shows you the way. Cling to His comfort and hope, trusting that His ways are sovereign and flawless.
Be strong and courageous
When hardship comes and life is shaken, it may be difficult to muster up hope and find the strength to face each day. What a relief to know that you don’t have to be strong in your abilities or have confidence in your circumstances, but that God has given you a place to lay down your burdens and the privilege of resting your weary soul in His mighty strength.
When you need His strength:
- Pray- ask Him for strength to get through the moment or troubled situations.
- Read the Bible- dig deep into His Truth to remember His promises and faithfulness.
- Recite Scripture- claim your favorite verses in moments of weakness.
- Pause & choose your reaction/action- close your eyes, take a deep breath and allow the Lord to help you choose a godly reaction, no matter how deep it hurts or difficult it may be.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Walk by faith, not by sight
Often in hardships, we are so blinded by our situations, so overcome with worry, or so obsessed about the outcome, we forget the power of the mighty God we serve.
Our faith is in the God who parted the Red Sea and dammed the Jordan to make a way for His people.
Our faith is in the God who allowed a young boy to slay a giant with a single stone.
Our faith is in the God who allowed the death of His only Son to redeem His children, and He raised Him from the dead three days later.
At first glance to the common observer, all of the situations may have seemed hopeless. These courageous people were up against impossible odds with very little hope of a positive outcome, yet God intervened and made a way.
Friends, no matter how grim your circumstances look today or how dark your pit of despair, NOTHING is impossible with God. And just as with these brave souls in the Bible, God is working on your behalf.
While He doesn’t promise grand outcomes or happily ever after here on Earth, He does promise that He will provide hope, peace, and restoration when life has been less than kind.
More importantly, once we place our trust in Him, the hope that we have in Heaven far outweighs and outshines the even our darkest day here on Earth.
So cling to His promise of peace, and trust that He knows your greatest hurts and sorrows. He has not forsaken you!