Christians: The Most Silenced Group of All

I’m a Christian, the most silenced group of all.

The world believes they know the hearts of Christians; and how we view the world, yet those assumptions couldn’t be more wrong.

Christians The Most Silenced Group of All Faith Along the Way

Our beliefs are seen as judgmental, filled with hatred and condemnation for those who don’t know the Lord.

We’re labeled as bigots for taking a stand on biblical truths, and sharing our beliefs has gotten dangerous, even in a free country.

We’re silenced and judged by the world for not being tolerant and accepting of the latest trends of sin.

The principles of God, our cornerstone, leave us ostracized and shunned from a world that is not our home.

We’re hated, while those who murder are martyred and the masses riot in their honor.

All the while, our Christian freedoms and personal rights are being chiseled away.

The right to choose our children’s participation in sex education, so we can teach God’s views on a healthy sexual relationship; gone.

The right to choose whom we do business with because of our beliefs; gone.

The right to freely speak against sin without fear of repercussion; gone.

Yet we will not respond out of anger.

You won’t see us riot, loot, or kill, simply because we’ve been silenced and wrongly misjudged.

The Most Silence Group of All

You’ll see us open our hearts, pouring grace time and time again into the lives of the lost, because grace was given freely to us at the cross.

You’ll see us roll up our sleeves, ready to lend a helping hand or comfort those in need, simply because we’ve been held by the Great Comforter.

You’ll see us accept and welcome those with lifestyles we don’t condone, because we know what it’s like to be the lost, wandering soul, in need of the cleansing blood of the Savior.

While we’re not devoid of hypocrites or scandal because we’re human, the majority of Christians are grieving for the state of our world and praying for peace.

We’re not judging and condemning a lost and dying world, we’re broken and on our knees praying for salvation and to be a light to those in need.

True Christians, those whose lives have been radically transformed by the grace of Jesus, remember all too well the wretched stench of their own sin and the desperate need for a Savior.

We remember what’s it’s like to be searching for peace and hope; desperately searching for Truth in a sea of lies.

We remember our shame and disgrace, as we recall a lifetime of failures and sin apart from God.

We remember the brokenness in hearing about the perfect love of Jesus for the first time, and how amazing grace makes all things new, regardless of where we’ve been or what we’ve done.

And those Christians, the ones the world hates and scorns, wants others to experience that redemption and healing too.

We pray for a world longing for and yearning for a Savior, confused by the trappings of sin and searching for fulfillment around every dark corner.

We pray for the chance and the courage to share hope with those who need it most, without judgement for their sin.

If we’re honest, the latest social issues boil down to one factor, sin wrecking havoc on a lost and fallen world.

May we as Christians not be afraid of hatred or condemnation, and continue to stand firm on the foundations of God, regardless of the cost and sacrifice.

May we selflessly love a world who scorns us and persecutes us for our beliefs.

And through our example,  may this fallen world come to know the lifechanging power of the gospel and the freedom that a relationship with Christ brings.

Stand firm, my friends!


This post was shared with Grace & Truth





  1. if we don’t stand up for our nation, who will?

  2. Amen! We cannot be afraid but stand courageously tall and in all ways express his love and forgiveness in a way that brings him glory.

    I absolutely loved this thought:
    “True Christians, those whose lives have been radically transformed by the grace of Jesus, remember all too well the wretched stench of their own sin and the desperate need for a Savior.”

    It’s true and our love can’t allow us to let others continue to suffer when we know there is something much greater to cling to in life.

  3. It is sad how often Christians are painted as the intolerant, bad guys, that come in to hate and cause problems. It breaks my heart that this is the reputation we have earned when in reality we should be viewed as the complete opposite. I pray that we are able to display love and spread God’s grace in this world of sin and hate. A very touching post.

    1. Absolutely! While we are a group so far from perfect, we need to lavish grace and show Jesus, not condemnation for sin!

  4. Amen! Thank you for these words of truth spoken in love, Sarah! May the Lord be our strength in these difficult times!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! They were indeed spoken with love, and it’s such a blessing to have like-minded believers who feel the same way!

  5. Amen!!! Thank you so much for sharing! You captured my thoughts and feelings 100%.

    1. I am honored it touched you, Lori! It’s always a pleasure to meet someone who shares my faith and convictions.

  6. Thank you so much, Linda! Sharing Truth isn’t always easy or popular, but it’s time Christians everywhere stood firm on the Gospel.

  7. Yes, I too was drawn to read this article by it’s title: Christians: The Most Silenced Group of All.
    This article both inspires and challenges me as I seek to live well my daily walk with Jesus. Thank you.
    A portion of a song my son wrote is filling my mind and spirit as I respond to you.
    “So Help Us God to be like you, so help us God to shine your truth, so help us God and give us the strength to keep on following you in all we do, in all we do….we are a glimpse of God to the world…we are a glimpse of God to the world….”

    1. What a beautiful song and such inspiring truth! To God be the glory!

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