As a busy woman, it's hard to balance life. Before long, our souls ache for restoration and replenishment. Here's how to find time for a break when life is busy.

Simple Solutions for the Woman Who Needs a Break

It was 5:30 am, and I sat in a puddle of tears on the floor, while my daughter, Joy, laughed uncontrollably at my exhaustion. Having Autism, I knew she struggled to understand emotion, but her enthusiastic laughter just made me sob harder.

Life is busy and fast paced. As a busy woman, it can be hard to find time for rest and soul restoration, yet that is key for balancing a busy life.  Here's how to find rest in the busiest seasons of life.


After a few moments of fuzzy, sleep filled thoughts, I realized this wasn’t about just being shorted on sleep for one night.

My spirit was worn out, weary, and I was longing for balance deep within my soul.

I craved rest and a chance to recharge.

I longed for a break and a chance to reconnect with myself and my own muddled thoughts.

But why is it as women do we continue on survival mode without making time for ourselves? Why do we think we have to give to others until we suddenly are completely depleted? And why do we always put on a brave face and pretend like we’re ok?

Not only is there is no shame in taking time to recharge, it’s dangerous when we try to function on empty.

Personally, when I am zapped of margin and balance, I am not the best wife I can be.  I’m short with Hubs and only focused on one thing, finding a solution to my weariness.

When I am depleted of rest and solitude, my attitude towards my kids can be snappy and curt.

Ladies, it is impossible to build into the lives of others without a restored and refreshed spirit, yet, there’s only one person who will make you a priority. You.

I know you’re thinking, “My life is filled with crazy chaos, and I barely have time to scarf down a meal, let alone find time to myself.  Is this REALLY possible?”

Why, yes it is, my friend.

Here’s some simple solutions for the woman who needs a break and to restore balance to her soul.

As a busy woman, it's hard to balance life.  Before long, our souls ache for restoration and replenishment.  Here's how to find time for a break when life is busy.



1. Schedule time for yourself on your calendar and keep the appointment unless a true emergency comes about.

2. Reconnect with the Lord.  Sometimes when my spirit is parched, it’s because I’m weary and in need of God to refresh my soul with His love and promises.

3. Take a long, hard look at your commitments, and learn to say no.  You can’t and shouldn’t try to do “it all”, and sometimes you have to re-prioritize a full schedule to find balance.

4. Make over your morning routine to make your time run more smoothly. The course Make Over Your Mornings is a wonderful starting place and helpful series to guide you through new habits.

5. Unplug!!! Turn off all electronics and set a time to just focus on the here and now without the distractions of technology.

6. Set a monthly date with friends and before you leave that event, schedule your next outing.

7. Carry a book with you to read during those extra moments {in line, at carpool,  while waiting for an oil change, or in the doctor’s office}.

8. Cuddle your kids, spouse or animals.  That ALWAYS makes me feel better.

9. Swap babysitting times with a friend so you can each have some alone time.

10. Go to bed at an early hour on a regular basis.  You’ll think more clearly and awake recharged.

11. Create a mom sanity plan, to help you realize what’s important to you and makes you tick.


How do you restore balance to a weary soul?  How do you prioritize yourself in a world of endless demands?


  1. My husband and I trade off the kids all the time, so we can workout, get a cup of coffee and read a novel, or otherwise have alone time.

    1. Oh yes, we do the same thing! I’m thankful that we help each other often!

  2. All great ideas. I think it becomes somewhat easier as the kids get older but it is still something a woman has to be intentional about. I love what you said about needing to be restored ourselves before we can pour into others.

    1. Absolutely, Shelly! It’s amazing how quickly we can wear ourselves out without having margin or peace.

  3. The two things I can’t survive without are my morning quiet times and date nights with my hubby. However, those are two developments that didn’t come about until all of my kids were school age. Before that me time only occurred during my women’s Bible study (which I should add to the list of things I still can’t do without).

    1. I am the same way! My morning quiet times are my anchor to my day, and without them, I find myself WAY off course. We love our date nights around here, too!

  4. I took the Make Over Your Morning course when it was released. I’m still in awe over how, when I use my mornings intentionally, I actually have time later in the day to relax and do something I enjoy. I love the mom sanity plan idea! (visiting from Titus 2 Tuesday)

    1. It is wonderful, isn’t it? It’s a blessing to start the day strong and have margin for other things besides work.

  5. This is such an important post for all women, Sarah Ann.

    One thing I have learned is that taking time for ourselves isn’t selfish but selfless.
    Like you said, weariness and exhaustion make us less than our best. In this state, our families suffer, we suffer, and God’s kingdom suffers.

    Taking time to care for ourselves is one way we care for others. The sooner we realize this, the better. It goes against our nature, but it is a fundamental truth.

    I have found that I need 3 things to allow me to feel my best. As a result, I strive to make sure I get adequate sleep, exercise at least a few times a week, and spend time in the Word of God daily.

    When I make time for these 3 things, I feel better and those around me appreciate me more. Thanks for the tips and the encouragement!

    1. Thank you, Heather for your insight! I am struggling with adequate sleep right now and have to agree that it makes all the difference. When I start the day exhausted, it’s hard to come back from that!

  6. I love your practical and helpful tips and blog posts! With this one I can relate to definitely getting some down “alone” time and making sure you get with your girlfriends! Thanks for the info!

    1. Oh yes! Girlfriend time is a MUST to recharge and rejuvenate! 🙂

  7. That’s a fabulous idea! Even 10 minutes of rest can be so refreshing, and I am with you on the pushing myself too much! 🙂 Blessings to you as you find balance!

  8. It’s so easy just to keep going and going, thinking there is no way to take 5. I love your sensible and practical approach. Thanks.

    1. I am beyond guilty of running on empty and am really trying to put boundaries around my time. It’s a work in progress, though!

  9. I have found that there are lots of little things I can do to recharge a little. If I take a moment to be mindful I am more relaxed. Thanks for posting. Hello from Motivation Monday.

    1. Great reminder! Even a few minutes to recharge can do wonders for the spirit!

  10. Quite simply love this post – we can become so bogged down this positivity is a balm and great tips – thanks 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! May it inspire you to slow down and make time for yourself!

  11. Good advice! I absolutely must have my couple of hours in the early morning hours ALONE to consistently feel revived and refreshed…able to give of myself throughout the day. It’s my battery recharge time as important as sleep! May you be refreshed today!

    1. Me, too! I need that solitude, coffee, and a chance to talk to God!

  12. So important to take that time to recharge!
    I am bad at this, too. I actually have a gift card for a massage I got for Christmas last year I haven’t taken the time to use. I am going to pick a day to go and mark in on the calendar today — thanks for the reminder!


  13. These are really good ideas! I love cuddling with my puppy when I’m stressed. 🙂

  14. Getting more sleep is the big one for me. I have to force myself to leave things undone at night and GO TO BED! It’s a battle all busy moms face, but our families need us to take care of ourselves.

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