woman praising God

To the Hopeless & the Hurting

To the Hopeless & the Hurting,

Right now, all seems lost and all seems grim.

The disease, the bankruptcy, the affair, the death, the circumstance; it seems too much for one person to bear alone and you wonder how you’ll press on.

To the Hopeless & the Hurting Faith Along the Way

Broken and full of hurt, you wonder, where is God in all of this?

If God is so good, why doesn’t He swoop in to save the day?

I know you feel abandoned, but you’re not.

I know you don’t feel Him, but He’s there right besides you in every ounce of pain.

He hears your cries, knows your heart, and knows every last tear you shed.

He is in the trenches with you and holding you up with His mighty strength.

In fact, He’s fighting for you and leading you right now.  No matter how much you feel weak and helpless, the mighty God is your pillar of strength in all, but especially in times of trouble and grief.

You not only matter to Him, He is passionate about YOU, and loves you with a depth you can barely comprehend.

And that ache of pain and heartache you feel, He sees it and knows how much you hurt.

He knows your feeling of hopelessness, and has experienced a deep loss of His own.

His only Son, Jesus Christ, was innocently slain and wrongfully put to death.

The difference in His story and yours is He chose this pain, for YOU.

With Jesus’ innocent death on the cross, He bore your sin and bridged the gap between sinful man and a perfect God, allowing man to live in harmony with his Heavenly Father at the moment of repentance.

No more would man have to live life alone, but this true act of love erased all sin and all of life’s disappointments in one single act.

But thankfully the story doesn’t end there.

No, the story doesn’t end with death and sorrow.

Three days later, the world gained true hope as Jesus’ friends discovered the empty tomb.

Death had been defeated and Jesus had risen from the grave, giving new life to all who believe!

All hope is not lost quote Faith Along the Way

True Hope was created by a loving God who didn’t leave His people here on earth abandoned and hopeless.

My friend, as all hope seems lost and the storms of life are crashing in around you, may you take comfort in knowing that Hope lives. His name is Jesus.

The hope of Jesus can conquer any fear, any illness, and any situation that seems impossible.

Surrender your heart and your burdens to His loving hands, trusting that He holds your hope for tomorrow.

Your hope is NOT in the circumstances of this world.

And when you feel that you just can’t shoulder your burdens anymore, remember that you don’t have to and you were never meant to do this life alone.

Take a hold of God’s hand, let Him heal your heart and bring you through this storm.  Even if the worst moments, know that His hope will pierce through the darkness and bring restoration to your weary heart.

He will use your pain for His glory and make beauty from ashes when you allow Him to heal your broken spirit.

I am praying for your hurting heart today, but I know in God’s arms, there’s no better place for you to be!

Are you hurting and feeling hopeless?  What situation are you facing that seems impossible?  How can I partner with you and pray with you during this troubled time?


  1. Love it! And perfect timing for EASTER! I struggle (and have been struggling for years) with my health. I’m working on correcting issues, so joining in with me for Discernment for the Dr’s involved, my anxiety in the process and treatments, and complete healing (ideally in this lifetime – ha!) would be awesome! Very encouraging post! <3

    1. Adding health struggles in there is always a burden that seems just too overwhelming to bear. Thankfully, God gives us strength to go on, even when we’re at our weakest! Thank you for sharing, Rachel!

  2. this is extremely well written. We all have struggles, even those of us who have been in the faith since we were children. Sometimes we still feel lost. What a great reminder. This is applicable to those who have no faith as well as those who have faith, and are just feeling discouraged. Thanks for writing!

    1. I’ve had those moments too, even as a Christian, where life is just so painful that I forget there’s hope in Him. Thank God for His hope and freedom!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this post. Everyone has their own personal struggles that they carry with them from day to day. Knowing that someone recognizes that is very comforting.

    1. Amen! We all face our battles, but with God, there’s hope and freedom!

  4. This is a beautifully written post, Sarah Ann. And what perfect timing with Easter just days away. There is hope because He is Risen!

  5. What a gorgeous and deeply true post! And indeed, perfectly timed for Easter. God bless you for helping to ease the brokenhearted! <3

    1. Thank you, Jackie! I think we should all be burdened a little more burdened for the lost and spend time ministering to their brokenness. Happy Easter!

  6. Such a beautiful reminder of the price that Christ paid for our sins. Thank you for encouragement in a lost and dying world.

    1. Thank you! May we all be in prayer for those we know who don’t know Him!

  7. Lately I’ve been on “survival” mode. And the burden feels heavier each day. But your post was refreshing and timely! Much needed for me right now. It helps me to remember that God is for me and not against me. Thank you!

    1. I know exactly how you feel, Maria! It’s such a blessing when we realize God is fighting with us and is for us! Praying for you!

  8. I wish I came across this 1 year ago! I had a relationship end very unexpectedly and the several months that followed were really, really hard! Now, here I stand, in awe of God’s faithfulness. Such great encouragement, here, Sarah. Happy Easter!

    1. I understand, Laura! I was there myself with the end of a relationship many years ago, and it’s amazing to watch God’s plan unfold. Someday you’ll look back and see how His glorious plan all came together!

  9. Thanks so much for this Sarah Ann! It’s exactly what I needed. We were given some devastating financial news this week, but your post really put things into perspective for me. What a great reminder that while our circumstances seem dire, there is a much bigger reality.


    1. Praying for you, my friend! God is in control even when it doesn’t seem like it!!! Hugs coming your way!

  10. Lovely words from my Father today. I need that comfort and encouragement today.

    Thanks and blessings,

    Tayrina from TGAWrites

  11. Perfect words for me right now, I am so brokenhearted, my husband has moved out and filed for divorce, please pray that his heart be softened and this marriage restored. NOTHING is impossible for my God!

    1. I am SO sorry for you! I am praying words of comfort and healing over your relationship. 🙂 Please stop back by and let me know how you are. Hang in there! 🙂

  12. I’m so thankful for the Hope we have that far transcends our circumstances! Thank you for pointing us toward Him today, and for sharing with us at Grace & Truth.

    1. It’s a blessing to link with you every week, Jennifer! Thank you for providing a place of encouragement!

  13. I love the way that you write and the truths and encouragement that you share! Truly touching! Thank you so much for sharing this on Making Memories Mondays! Hope to see you back Sun night 9PM EST! 🙂

  14. I think of this verse when things are hard…it gives me such hope b/c I can always trust in Him!

    Psalm 112:7
    He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

    Thanks for your post and encouraging those that are hurting.

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