How to Share Your Faith Even When You’re Terrified and Nervous

I am a lover of words and fabulous conversation.  Sharing life and baring my soul with friends, even strangers, makes me tick and come alive.  Yet talking to others about God made me shake in my boots and I even Googled, “How to share your faith?” many years ago.

I simply had no idea where to start when talking to others about God.

Honestly, I was nervous because I worried what people would say and shy because I didn’t have all the answers.

So I was quiet about that part of my life and kept it separate from many of my friendships. I just didn’t talk about my love for Jesus except for with a select few.

But when trials and the storms of life left me changed, I became hungry for God’s word and to deepen my walk with Him. It was there, when God healed me and changed.

And I realized I had missed the meaning of what the Christian life is about.

As a Christian, we’re to tell others about the Lord’s redemptive grace and to proclaim it to everyone we know. When you experience His amazing grace, you WANT to shout it to the world. You can’t keep the excitement and passion for God’s miracles hidden any longer.

But where did a lack-luster Christian start sharing her faith?  How was I, still a baby in my faith, start to share the gospel?


How to Share Your Faith (When You’re Terrified)

Build relationships

Sharing your faith starts with building genuine relationships where you reflect the heart of the Lord to others. That’s it.

It’s that simple.

As you build relationships with those who don’t know the Lord, let your life be a reflection of Christ.  Be an example of his love, grace, patience, peace and joy.

While that may seem like a tall order, when a friend knows you are a Christian yet you persevere under trials because of his strength, that is a testimony for the life-changing power of the Lord.

Talk About the Lord

Whether this is a new friend or life-long buddy, don’t be afraid to talk about how the Lord has changed you.

Don’t force it or preach, but in the natural ebb and flow of conversation, discuss how God has grown you and worked in your life.

Using gentle words and having a pliable spirit will allow you to come across humble yet passionate about your relationship with the Lord.

When coupled with a solid personal relationship, over time, your friend’s heart may be more open to receiving the good news.

Accept Where They Are Without Condemnation

One of my favorite aspects of coming to a personal relationship with the Lord is understanding how God accepts you as you are.

He doesn’t require his children to clean up, get perfect and then start following him.  Instead, he loves us as we are, sinners bogged down in our own humanity, unable to save ourselves and cleanse ourselves of sin.

God finds us broken, in need of a savior and of the blood of Jesus to wash us clean.

He accepts us without strings and without guilt.

Friends, we need to do the same to those we know who are lost in their sin. We need to openly accept them as they are without judgment, meanwhile lovingly pointing them to Jesus.

Know Where to Go for Answers

Thankfully, we don’t have to have all of the answers to share the gospel.  It’s ok to say you don’t know or confess that you too, have a few questions.

The more you dive into the Bible yourself, the more knowledge you will acquire and the more answers you will find.

But until then, have a place where you can go for questions; a pastor, a wise friend, or a trusted place to acquire information about the Christian faith.

I love the website for Cru, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ, which clearly outlines the plan of salvation.  It is easy to read, understand and follow, which makes it perfect for those terrified to share their faith.

Keep Praying and Don’t Give Up

I have friends and family members that I have been praying will know Christ since the day I began my own journey with Him.

As the body of Christ, we need to never stop praying or believing that they will come to know the Lord. Once they do accept Jesus as Savior, be sure you help them establish healthy habits as a new believer and get connected to a local church. Help them find godly mentors who can walk with them on their journey and trust that God will help them grow deep roots of faith.

Many blessings to you as you step out in obedience and share your faith! With God’s help and these practical tips, you CAN do it!

Do you feel nervous to share your faith with others?

What helps you to move past feelings of inadequacy?

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  1. Hi Sarah Ann, Great reminder here that it’s about relationships and being real when it comes to sharing our love and our faith. Thanks so much for linking up at CMB>

  2. Thank you Sarah Ann for sharing this. I tend to shy away from conversations about my faith…not because I don’t want to share it with everyone but because I don’t have all the answers. Thank you for reminding me that it’s better to share and not have all the answers then to not share at all.

    1. Toni,

      You are not alone! I think many have those feelings but I find once I open my mouth and dive into the conversation, it’s not as scary as I once thought! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Great post! I tend to be hesitant to talk about my faith except with a few of my closest friends. It is very personal for me and I worry about rejection.

    1. I completely understand! You are not alone in your feelings on this one! May you feel the fear and do it anyways!

  4. Coming from SITS Sharefest! Thank you for posting this. This is great advice. I think not knowing all the answers and afraid of what people might think of us are what holds us back from sharing. I also don’t want to come off too strong either and turn certain people off. Some people can handle your change right away while others have to be eased into it. Trying to find that balance between sharing and being open vs. overwhelming can be difficult at first.

    1. Yes, I couldn’t agree more! So many times it’s finding a balance between honesty, loving someone where they are at and speaking God’s promises. I pray that I am never overbearing but always point to the cross in all I do, not just my words. Many blessings to you as you finding your footing with sharing your faith!

  5. Even growing up in church and a Christian school didn’t make me comfortable sharing my faith. I am better as an adult, but I would love it if it flowed more naturally!

    1. I understand completely! Even as an adult I still get sweaty palms and my heart beats way too fast. I’m glad I am not alone in this!

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