
8 Habits of a Woman Who Trusts and Loves God

Have you ever believed that a woman who trusts and loves God needs to be near perfect and have her act together?

You’re not alone. That’s a common lie the enemy wants women of God to believe so they stay stuck and never bloom into their full identity in Christ.

These habits of a God-fearing woman are not due to perfectionism or legalism. They also aren’t a to-do list or something that buys your way into heaven.

Instead, these habits of a godly woman are a result of a surrendered life who fully embraces God’s grace and is thankful for His redemption to wipe her slate clean.

In fact, a surrendered woman lives free knowing that the Lord has erased her missteps and unshackled her from guilt and shame!

So, may these habits of a godly woman encourage you to seek the Lord and spur you on to a healthy relationship with God. May they be an overflow of the way the Lord has changed your life to the core and set you free!


8 habits of a woman who trusts and loves God

Fellowships with God

A woman who has a deep rooted love of God understands that communication with the Lord is her life line and a cornerstone in her life. She knows she’s a better person when she’s spent time at the feet of her Savior and filled with the joy of the Lord.

Plus, she knows that fellowship with God can take many forms, including:

  • Praying and talking with God– Whether it’s bringing her burdens or hurts before the Lord or praising Him for provision, a God-fearing woman’s fellowship with the Lord is her lifeline.
  • Having a regular Bible study time– a woman who trusts God knows that Scripture is her weapon against the evil one and fights temptation with truth.
  • Scripture journaling and writing out the Word of God- a woman of God may enjoy worshiping the Lord through creative expression and doodling His Word.
  • Singing and praising 

There is no sweeter thing than a life fully surrendered to God and a heart that longs to be in His presence. Imagine sitting at the feet of Jesus, finding comfort, peace, and joy no matter what life’s circumstances and situations are looming before you.


Seeks wisdom

Wisdom is not something we are necessarily born with; hence, why Scripture makes such a big deal about seeking it. James reminds us that we can ask for wisdom because God gives it generously. For the woman who trusts God, she seeks to be wise and live God’s truth.

Discerns and renews her mind with truth

A trusting woman is able to determine truth from lies of the enemy because she knows God’s Word. She understands that the Word of God is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. Then, she uses it to discern her own thoughts and intentions, as well as those around her. 

As a result, she builds her life on knowing truth and putting it into action.

Then, to continue to pursue the Lord, she regularly renews her mind with truth and fuels her soul with God’s Word. Keeping her mind renewed helps discern the will of God and helps her stand strong against the enemy and temptation. 

Seeks and follows God’s guidance

A godly woman longs to be in the center of God’s will and seeks His wisdom for her next steps. She invites God to lead the way knowing that His plans for her are best, even when circumstances aren’t what she would choose. As a result, she surrenders her life to God’s plan and trusts that He will lead the way, no matter the cost.

Gives and accepts grace

A trusting woman of God accepts the grace poured out for her at the cross and finds freedom in the Lord. She doesn’t stay stuck in her sin or wallow in guilt. As a result, she freely moves forward in life because of grace and holds her head high because she’s been forgiven. 

Having experienced God’s grace, she extends that same grace to others and trusts God to help her forgive as needed. She doesn’t hold a grudge or seek revenge. Instead, she goes to God in prayer, seeking wisdom and understanding, even when the situation is painful.


Generously gives resources

A woman who has experienced God’s blessings regularly celebrates His provision. Then, she gives generously as a symbol of gratitude and thanks. She lives with open hands knowing that the Lord has blessed her with much, and she freely gives to others the same way.

Whether it’s giving of time or money, she stewards her life well and imitates the best steward of all, Jesus.

Ministers to others

A woman who loves God looks for ways to serve others. She understands that serving is a way to not only be the hands and feet of Jesus, but also a way to share her faith. Ministry plays a big role in her life because she sees the fruit it bears.

Intentional with her time

Another habit of a woman who longs to honor God, is using her time wisely. She knows that living on purpose doesn’t happen by accident, so she manages her time to make room for what matters most. As a result of aligning her prioritizes with her faith, there’s time to minister to others, love her family well, and fuel her own soul with God’s Word.

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The ripple effect these habits of a godly woman reaches further than you may realize. If you have children (especially daughters), they are watching you. They are learning how to become children – and one days adults – who trust and love God, too.

Plus, these habits of faith reach an outer influence as well. Perhaps there is a young woman of faith gleaning wisdom and truth from your life and how you choose to honor God no matter what you face.

Being a woman who trusts and loves God is a journey, just like everything else in life. Choose today to develop Christ-like habits that will draw you closer to God and impact every aspect of your life.

More to consider:



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